Trouble (spider spanked)

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Parkers P.O.V
I quickly run across the top of the building and jump barely grabbing onto the plane 10,000 feet off the flat new York ground my hands are clinging onto the bottom of plane trying to get on then I see a tall man wearing a all yellow suit on the plane bend down and take a gun and start batting my hand repeatedly with the back of it the pain is increasing I struggle to stay on eventually I lose my grip and fall, the wind against me, covering me while I fall rocketing down to new York ground. I open my palms ready and a ironed man quickly grabs them I grip on his rists holding on while they become more sore trying not to look down I new that he would catch me while at least I hoped. I see a hammer glide in and smash the airplane then a viking grabs it mid air with his bare hands. I look behind me to see an very unimpressed captain. The ironed man flies over to the jet carefully puting me down in it. I feel my hand ache from the steel gun that batted them
"Are you okay peter"

"Ya I'm fine" lying my hands were going to bruis later I know it

"what were you thinking, you could have have died of Tony didnt catch you"

I here the captain say his voice serious and steady. I look down at my feet nowing my mistake and fearing what would happen next
"Well talk about this when we get back to the tower"

I hear him say again I start to sweat a little worried trying not to move my hand I sit down on the floor of the jet with my arms around my knees trying not to make eye contact with anybody. The ride was short and quiet I keep holding onto my knees worried deep in thought of the future. I now I should have thought before I acted, i know i could have died of it wasn't for ironman. I didnt want caps super solder serum landing hard on me again he was the only person who had the hand to hurt me besides hulk and thor. I hear the jet go into the landing bay and the doors open

"Come on peter" I hear a strong voice say

I get up and walk into the tower slowly not wanting to believe what was going to happen next I look up at cap with my costume still on. I look over and see wanda giving me a sincere look while she opens the fridge and pours herself a drink.

"Go change and wait in your room" I hear cap say while the rest of the team go to there rooms to change. I walk up the stairs to my room and take off my costume and put on my pajamas a plain white t-shirt with gray sweat pants. I put them on and wash away the sweat knowing that there would be more sweating to come. i look down at my hands which are know bruised and still aching. I am now I'm 14 and I'm often allowed to go on small missions like this one but I somehow messed that up. Oh what a stupid spider I am. I'm immature, small and reckless but I do try to be a superhero as much as I can, but people still hate me apparently I'm a damn meniss. I hear a knock at the door and freeze for a second in shock I could my heart thud
"Come in" I say in a weak voice
The door opens and then cap come in he closes the door behind him he had changed out of his uniform and now wearing a white t-shirt and blue pants. he has a stern face he crosses his arms in front of me
"What were thinking!?" Cap says in a loud voice
"I..I tried to stop them" I try and say
"You could have died!"
"But I didnt"
"But you Could have!"
"Cap.." I said in a low voice
"Peter what you did today was extremely dangerous, we still would have caught it of you didnt jump that was 10,000 feet in the air of ironman hadn't caught you it would have been over" he says
"I know" I say lightly
Cap sits on my bed and puts one hand on his leg
"Over my lap" he speaks in a serious voice
"But cap I-" I try to say as he we lock eyes
"Now!" I can tell cap was serious and worried but not to angry I lower my head and walk over to him he grabs my waist and pulls me over him lap gently he takes the top of my pants and pulls them down to my knees he grabbed a pillow from another side of the bed and handed to me I grip it and shove my head deep in it and ready myself. I feel a sharp pain hit my rear I start to sweat and get worried not because it hurts well it does but because I know he started out easy and slowly increases. he starts again aiming for each check rotating for a while my backside feels like a backburner hearing up minute by minute then he makes his way to my sit spots his hits have gotten harder and fast curse that super solder serum. His hand lays down sharply again and again it hurts like hell my butt feels like it's under attack he goes for each spot then hits it about 3 times each then does it again the pain was rising and I feeling the burn it had been around 2 minutes already. He hits each sit spot repeatedly it tell they turn red and a couple on my upper thighs that hurt the most necause they were actully more exposed he lays his hand down for a second
"Peter why are we here" he says still stopping I dont answer at first because of I knew of I said anything the words wouldn't stop flowing out and I would start crying. I see cap his raise his palm high and put down hard
"Owww" I quickly put my hands over my spanked rear which was know red. I forgot unknowingly forgot about my hurt hands.
"Peter what happened to your hands"
cap says as he motions me to show the bruises I flip them over and show him by now they were all black and blue he looked at them carefully and gently making sure not to touch to hard
"Peter after were done were going to show Tony that" I nodded my butt still aching and my heart racing. He looked a little worried but still serious.
"Now peter why are we here'
Cap says again waiting for an answer
"Because I almost died" i say in a high voice trying to keep the tears cap started again swatting each spot again and again the heat raced all over my body and the lump in my throat made it hard to breath in till I could take it any more
"Cap p..please I'm so so..sorry I won't do it again p..please cap st..stop" I manage to say while crying and stuffing my head in the pillow. Cap gave the swats hard then he pulled up my pants and picked me up I wrap my legs around his waist still crying and on his shoulder he sits down on a rocking chair and starts rocking backs and forth he rubs my back
"Never do that again"
"I w..won't" I was still crying on caps shoulder while he trys and calm me down. I feel my heart starting to calm down wrapped up against Steve. I try not to use my hand because they still hurt. I feel Steve rock back and forth for a while in till I dont really realize that I'm dining anything and my head loses and feel my body get lighter I start to drift off and close my eyes...

I give the last swats to peter I made them hard and fast I could tell he was sorry and that it was the spanking was done I wanted to make sure peter new that he should think before he makes big decisions like that. When I was in the war my close allie nicky made a risk but he didnt come back from it I dont want that to happen to peter. I finish the spanking and pick him up, I cradle him slowly while he cries into my shoulder I hate to see peter cry but he has to learn his lesson I pick him up his legs wrap around my waist I walk over to the near by rocking chair I sit down and rub his back in circles he doesn't seem to stop I feel my shoulder getting damp I rock back forth for a while and he stops after a little bit I can still feel his legs wrapped around me. After a while he slowly falls asleep. I slowly get making sure not to wake him, I walk down stairs carrying him
"Jarvis wheres Tony"
"Mr stark is currently in his lab"
I walk over to Tony's lab with peter still asleep in my arms. I tell Jarvis to open the doors where I see Tony working on one of his suits.
"Hey what's up cap"
"I need you to look at somthing" I say as i gently lay Peter down on a couch
"What do you think about his hands"
Tony takes a look he looks a little worried I see him walk into another room and a moment later he comes lit with a device in is hand he aw alls over to Peter and scans both of his hands with a blue light
"It looks like he has multiple bone fractures on each hand" Tony says as he leaves the room again he comes back with 2 metal braces and carefully puts each one on each hand the wraps it on with a bandage I see peter flutter his eyes
"Go back to sleep peter" he looked so tired as he closed his eyes again while Tony was bent down wrapping the bandage
"He should be fine if might take around two weeks to heal" he says I put my arms around peter and pick him up and put him in bed I tuck him in and turn off the lights making sure he's comfortable.

Avengers In Training (Avenger Spanking Fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu