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 Alrighty, this is what you dirty sinners wanted.


 (Y/N) = Your Name

(F/N) = Friend's Name

(P/N) = Pet's Name

(F/C) = Favorite Color

(E/C) = Eye Color

(H/L) = Hair Length

(L/N) = Last Name


   3rd Point of View~

 (NO PEDOPHILISM BTW!!! You're 20 which is the legal age for this kind of stuff-)

You were driving to your new home, glad to be finally moving out of your mothers house. It was getting super crowded in there and you couldn't stand it! You had company though. Your pet (Favorite Dog I guess.) was sticking their head out the window. You giggled, you thought that was cute when they did that.

You pulled up to the driveway of your new home and smiled. New home sweet home. You got out of the car and took a deep breath, first day of living on your own. You were excited! Your own house, your own rules, your own everything! You unlocked the door to the house and went inside. The place looked so opened and bland. You already had ideas of where stuff is going to belong.

You went back to your car and opened the trunk which was full of boxes. You grabbed some and put them into your room. You knew that the stuff in those boxes belonged in your room. (P/N) jumped out of the car and ran inside and instantly started exploring this new area. Your house wasn't super big but it wasn't super small either. It was about the same size as your mothers house. 

~Time Skip~

You flopped onto your blow up mattress, exhausted. You finally set up practically everything but the house wasn't complete just yet. You were proud of yourself that you even set most of the stuff up. Your bedroom was pretty much complete but you didn't have your bed. You didn't have much furniture because that stuff was coming tomorrow. 

You were also really excited about another thing, you were going to be a teacher. You've always wanted to be teacher and help out kids. You loved helping kids out with stuff. You were hopefully going to be teaching (Favorite Subject). You also saw that the amount of kids there was very little. You thought that was a bit strange but at least you get to work with some kids!

You checked the time,"Ten thirty...." You yawned. It was getting a bit late and you were going to need to have a lot of energy for tomorrow. The people who are going to drop off your furniture are not coming until around 1:45. You didn't even bother to change, you just fell asleep. 

~The Next Day~

You were woken up by an annoying buzzing sound. You groaned and slammed your hand onto the alarm clock to shut it up. It was 6:30 AM and you still had some stuff to unpack but not much. You got up and brushed your (H/L) hair. You realized you slept in your clothes from yesterday and laughed slightly. 

(P/N) ran into your room and attacked you and licked your face. You giggled then lightly pushed off (P/N). You wiped your face off with a rag and then got dressed. You did your daily morning routine and then listened to your favorite music. You hummed along which then turned into singing. You didn't realize that you were singing so long until you heard a knock on the door. 

"They're here already?" You checked the time,"Oh." It was already a little bit past 1:45. You turned off the music and then opened the door. You were greeted by a tall man. He had green horns and bright green eyes. (If you guess Nathaniel if you came here from the other fanfiction then you're correct. X'D) 

"Hello ma'am, I believe you're miss (L/N)?" He looked off his clipboard. You nodded.

"Please, call me (Y/N)." You smiled. (OKAY, to all the male readers, you're a girl now. I'm sorry. :'D) The man nodded and smiled. He seemed pretty nice. (P/N) was about to attack him but you caught them just in time.

"I'm sorry, my dog can be a little crazy when they see a stranger." The man chuckled.

"It's alright, the dog is cute by the way." You smiled.

"Thank you." The man nodded and then handed you a clipboard which had paperwork on it. All you had to do was sign it, which you did and handed the clipboard back to the man. 

"What's your name?" You asked out of nowhere. 

"Nathaniel Benson." The man replied.

"Well nice to meet you Nathaniel." You smiled even more. You were glad to meet a new person. Some other people came in with the couch.

"Oh, uh, you can set that right there." You pointed to the living room. They both nodded and headed straight for the living room. You recognized one of the people. "Wisp..?" The bunny furry person (X'D) looked over then smiled.

"Nice to see you again (Y/N)!" You nodded. Man, today was going great!

~Another time skip XD~

You waved goodbye as everyone left the house. You looked at your house and smiled. Now that the furniture was here, you were practically set. You were starving, you haven't eaten anything but breakfast this morning and it was 7:00. You decided to make yourself a simple dinner.

Once you were finished eating you got dressed into your PJ's and went to bed. Today was busy but awesome at the same time. You got to see your old friend Wisp. You haven't seen her since High School. You also got to make a new friend, Nathaniel. He looked pretty cute, you couldn't lie. He seemed pretty nice too. He was a bit hard to understand since he had a Russian accent but he was still really nice. 

You yawned. Your eye lids were heavy. Once you closed your eyes, you instantly fell asleep. (P/N) was sleeping next to you. You and the dog cuddled. You couldn't wait to start your new job.

I DID IT!! I wrote the first chapter WOOOO!!! Anyways, Until next time~

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