Chapter 1: The Assignment

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AUGUST 18, 2014


11:05 AM




Alone at lunch... as usual. Sadly, they took away the Chic-fil-A and Chinese food on the ala carte this year, but at least they have cheese sticks today. Even if the cheese is a tad bit cold and the breading is soggy, it's a lot better than what they serve on the blue tray these days.

I always sat by myself. From ever since I entered preschool,  and now all the way up to my junior year of high school. Nobody wants to be my friend. Nobody ever has. Nobody ever will. I'm too much of a freak in their eyes. Besides the constant bullying and harassment, I'm invisible at my school. I go through the halls every day minding my own business, since no one seems to really care. The only people that will talk to me are the teachers, which in turn makes me look like a teacher's pet to every student walking these halls. And even if the teachers cared about me as much as my classmates say, the teachers don't want to be my friend either.

After finishing my lunch I head to my locker and put in the combination for my lock. And as soon as I open my locker, I notice that all of my things are wrapped in saran wrap.

*This is the fifth time in just the first three days of the year. When will they give this up? And who even has this much time on their hands?*

I unwrap the saran wrap from my things before grabbing what I need to work on during seminar and head to Multimedia 2 with Mr. Fent. I immediately go to the film room to edit some things together for a video that Mr. Huntley wants us to show the entire school. A few minutes into editing the video, Mr. Fent hands me a slip asking me to go to Mr. Huntley's office immediately. I look at him with a shocked expression, praying he knows what was going on, and he just shrugs at me.

At least he's as shocked as I am. 

I save my work, shut down the computer, and make my way to the main building of the high school. Since the class is currently in the south tech center, it's going to be quite a walk. Hopefully, it's enough time for me to gather my nerves.

*I wonder what Mr. Huntley wants with me? It couldn't be bad, could it? Even all the teachers here know I mind my own business and stay out of trouble, so why am I getting called to the principal's office? What on earth could I have done to get myself in trouble? Was it the amount of times I've had to replace the books and supplies that everyone else has destroyed for me? Was it the fact that I wasn't involving myself in a lot of school activities?*

Stepping into the main office I see that this situation was so important that Mr. Huntley was waiting for me at the front desk instead of his own office. Either that or he was talking to the ladies currently working there. Whatever he was doing, he was waiting in the front office for me. Everyone's eyes land on me as soon as I walk through the door, automatically making me uncomfortable.

"Ah Evan," Mr. Huntley exclaims, "good to see you. Come with me to my office, won't you?" I politely nod at him and follow him to his office and then sit down in one of the stiff metal chairs in his office. The fact that they're so uncomfortable doesn't help me calm my nerves. All I can think about is the worst case scenarios.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked.

"Now why would you be in trouble, Ms. Bennigan?" he replied with his own question.

"I just thought I was because I've never been called to the principal's office until now."

"Well you're not in trouble, Evan. In fact, I have a favor to ask of you. But before I go into specifics, is there any chance you can stay after school late for the next week or so?"

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