Niall, Aeropastle, and the dress.

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Chapter 3

"Ok, you can go over to the men's section if you want." I said when we reached our destination.

"Ok. I'll be back in ten." Niall gave me a warm smile, and walked off. I searched every rack on sale. I knew that Niall was going to buy me anything I thought was cute. So I thought that I might as well have It be something on sale.

I found a cute dress. It was a light blue. It was a body bugger, and it had no sleeves. It ended at my mid-thigh. It was gorgeous!

I absolutely loved it! I looked at the price tag. It was $22. Cool, I could afford it myself!

I smiled and took another look at the dress. It was perfect for a dance or something like that. I could imagine Niall and I going to the Graduation dance. I could we wearing the blue dress, he would be wearing a nice suit; everyone else would be nothing compared to Niall and I.

I walked over to the cash register. I set the dress on the table. I thought that if maybe I was quick, then I could beat Niall before he could even offer to buy the dress.

"That will be $22.74, please." I reached into my purse for my money, but I was too late. Niall handed the woman the money. She thanked us, and wished us a good day.

"When are you going to let me buy something, for once?" I smiled. Niall grabbed my hand, and our fingers entwined. I always felt tingly when he held my hand. "Isnt that what a boyfriend is supposed to do for you? Buy things?" he smirked.

"Your not my boyfriend." I pointed out. "Yet." Niall murmured. "What did you say?" I said. "Nothing!" Niall and I laughed.

When we reached my house, Niall said, "That was fun. We should do that again." he stood in front of me, holding both my hands.

"Yeah, we should. Wanna do it again tomorrow?" I asked. "You have school." he said while shaking a finger.

"I can-" "No ditching again! You can't keep doing that. It'll go on your high school records." he pointed out. I rolled my eyes. "Ok fine. Hey, who's Tony? I tried calling the number you gave me, and A guy named Tony picked up."

"Tony is just the hiusekeeper. It's weird. He's a man housekeeper. So you called the number I gave you, Eh?" he grinned. Although I could hardly see it. It was almost dark.

"Yeah, whatever." I laughed. I felt something on my lips. But I realized it was Nialls lips. He was kissing me. I kissed him back. I couldn't believe it! I was kissing a famous person!!

After the kiss, I gave Niall a hug. We both let go, and walked away. "Goodnight." I said. "Goodnight Zoey." Niall replied. He sounded... Really happy! He sounded happier than he was earlier.

Must've been the kiss. I walked ( more like skipped) to my door, and swung it open with ease. I hopped inside, and didn't bother to close the door.

"ZOEY!!!" I heard my mom scream. "Yeah?" I didn't know why she was so scared. "What's wrong?" I asked.

My mom ran into the living room and hit me like a sack of potatoes.I almost fell over!

"WHAT'S WRONG?! My daughter has been gone all day and I had no idea where she was, and she asks me WHAT'S WRONG?!" she cried.

I actually didn't know how long Niall and I had been gone. It seemed like two hours. But I guess it was five.

She squeezed me as hard as she could. "Mom... Too hard!" I squeaked. "Go upstairs young lady!! You are grounded for a week! GO! NOW!!" she yelled.

"but mom, I can explain!" I piped. "Fine!! Explain now!" she stood up and put her hands on her hips.

I searched fir words, but I knew that if I said I was on a date with a British pop singer, she would think I had gone completely crazy! Then she would take me TI a mentalist.

"I was on a date mom. You don't need to worry. I was going to be home earlier, but we got caught up talking." It was the truth, actually. But I wasn't going to tell her it was Niall.

"Oh. Well, you couldve at least called. So who is he? Who did you go on a date with?" she was smiling now. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Pipsqueak went on a date? With who?!" my sister said when she walked in.

I rolled my eyes. "It was just a guy. He's almost my age, and he's visiting town. He's a really nice guy. He's the sweetest, and cutest guy I've ever met or seen!" I got lost in my mind. My mom and sister stared at me like I was crazy. "What does that mean? He's ALMOST your age?" my sister said suspiciously.

"What, is it a One Direction Boy that you girls love so much?" my mom joked. They both laughed. Wow. They got it dead on!

"Um, no. He's just.... A guy. He's not my age. He's a bit older. My mom eyed me. "How old is he?" she said stiffly.

I sighed and squinted before I said, "Eighteen." I opened my eyes slowly, and saw the expressions on my families faces were not good. My mom looked scared. She put a hand over her mouth.

My sister made a weird and creepy face at me. "You know, I heard that One Direction is in town." she came up to me so close, I could smell her stinky breath. "It better not be them that you are talking about." she muttered. I looked up and sighed.

She pushed me on the chest and walked away. I stabled myself, and jogged to my room.

When I got TO my room, I looked out my window. It had a direct view of Niall's House. I looked at how beautiful the house looked. The pool turned a dark purple/orange color. The lights were pink and blue. It was so pretty.

I heard a door from the house open, and someone stepped outside. I could barely see who it was. But I could see who it was when they stepped into the pink and blue lights.

It was Niall. I gasped. I turned around to see if anyone was in my room or the doorway. I hopped to the door (not literally.) and locked it. I ran back over to the terist. He was still there.

I went "Pssssst!!!". He didn't hear me. "Psssssssssst!!! Niall!" I whispered as loud as I could. I tried not to let my mom or sis hear me.

He still couldn't hear me. I picked up a bead that was on my floor; I threw it off the terist, and It hit Niall. He grabbed his neck and looked in my direction.

"Sorry." I giggled. He Gave me a toothy grin. Although I could barely see it again.

"Its alright." he copied my giggle.

It made me laugh more.

"Niall, who are you talking to out there?" I heard Zayn say. Niall waved and jogged back into the house.

I sighed with a smile, and walked back into my room. I let myself fall on the bed. I cuddled up with my fuzzy blanket, and closed my eyes. I thought about Niall all night. Even in my dreams.

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