Meeting Niall Horran

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Chapter 2

I looked through my closet. I grabbed my second pair of my skinniest skinny jeans. They were a distressed blue denim. I smiled at the pants, and threw them on my bed. I pushed clothes to the side, looking for the perfect shirt. I finally found the perfect one. It was a dark purple. It had dark blue sparkles. It hugged my body. I smiled at what I would probably look like in it.

I also grabbed some black vans. Every part of them was black.

After I had put everything on, I smiled at what I looked like in the mirror. I loved it!

I ran to my door, grabbed my purse, and ran downstairs. I saw my mom, and froze. I thought she had already left for work!

Very quietly, I walked down the stairs, and jogged to the door, I quickly opened it, then closed it. Luckily, our front door was very quiet.

I gave a sigh of relief. I skipped over to my bike and gasped. I remembered Niall gave me his number! I mean, I had been thinking about him, ALL NIGHT. and I almost called him, but I didn't want to be a bother.

I grabbed the paper out of my back pocket, and grabbed my phone out of the other. I dialed the number, and someone picked up.

"Hello?" they had a British accent. I was ecstatic.

"Hi. Who is this?" I Asked. Just to be sure.

"This is Tony." tony said. I hung up. Tears filled up in my eyes. Niall had either given me the wrong number on accident, or he gave a number that wasn't his on purpose.

Either way, I was too sad to go to school now. I jumped on my bike and rode down the street.

When I reached town, I decided to just look around, to see if he was anywhere.

I walked my bike down the sidewalk, thinking of places the guys might be.

"Hmmmm... If I were a British Pop singer in Turlock at California, where would I go?" I mumbled To myself.

I looked around. I saw a little market that I went to as a kid. I decided to go inside. I used to always get a special Soda pop there.

I walked across the street, and entered the store. A bell rang as I entered. I left my bike outside.

I gave the cashier man a smile and wave. I searched my pockets for cash. I pulled out twenty five dollars from my right pocket. I smiled at my leaving money in my pockets. What can I say? I get lots of cash for chores.

I walked down two aisles to the refrigerated things. I passed five guys on the way there. They were looking at movies. It's weird that the movies were right next to the soda fridge. As I picked my flavor, I eavesdropped. "No, Loui! He said we can only have ten movies! If we get Terminator, then that makes ten, and then we can't get Spiderman!" I heard a Cute voice. Odd, he sounded a bit British. Oh well. I mustve just been suffering from losing Niall. His British accent was so adorable!

I decided on getting orange citrus flavored soda, and grabbed a bottle. It was a dollar a bottle. They had really good prices.

As I walked past the boys, they were all looking at me. They all had hats, and sunglasses on. They were all grinning. Except for one, he was just smiling.

I smiled back, and kept walking. I heard one say, "Wow, Niall-" I couldn't hear them anymore. WAIT, NIALL?!?!?!

I walked back to that aisle with a frown. They were gone. Huh. That was weird. I must be going crazy.

I turned around, looking down, and bumped into someone. I felt someone's hands on my waist.

"I'm sorry! Did I-" I said, but stopped when I looked up. "Sorry. I didn't see you there." The cutest guy ever, said. He pulled me up steady, and let go.

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