The Meeting

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The mud under my feet makes my leather boots sink. My father had bought them before the accident. They cost him a fortune. It's night. I walk through the kingdom. I keep my head hid under the darkness of my hood so no one sees my face. I walk down the dirt road past the lake and walk right into the Cavern.

I sit down at the bar. It's busy here tonight and loud since its a weekend. Music blares in the background mixed with shouts and many arguments. I order a beer and pay the bartender then sit there and wait. The man said he'd be here at 9:00 pm. It's currently 8:50 so I sit here and enjoy my drink.

I feel a man tap me on the shoulder and I turn around. "Come with me." The man says. I follow him, because I assume it's Razor, the man who is hiring me for this mission. I follow him out of the cabin and into the side streets where most houses stand. He leads me to his house and I enter.

I walk in and immediately feel the warm air engulf me. It's fall here at Bridewell. I look around the house, standard size for most houses in this

time. Candle lighting, windows, decent furniture and many many books. He leads me to a room which I take to be his office noting the desk and papers. "Have a seat." He tells me. "We have alot to discuss."

"So why am I really here?" I ask Razor.

"I have a bit of a problem I need you to take care of." Razor replies "you see, and as you may know, I offer a good deal. You take care of this problem and I can shower you in more coins than you can imagine."

This really tempts me as I am in desperate need to make some extra coins. "Tell me more." I reply.

"As you may know or may not know, our neighboring kingdom and ally Farnsworth is in dire need of our help. There is a drout and they are being terrorized by a couple of dragons. Yes I know it sounds like your fairy tale type of mission and standard as well but this time your going to have a bit more trouble than first thinking." Razor says. I think this all through and eventually wonder what kind of trouble he's talking about. "What kind of trouble?" I ask.

"You'll have to wait and see." he replies.

FarnsworthOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz