Ive changed

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I woke up in my bed and Zack was next to me sleeping. I didn't want to wake him up so I went into the bathroom and was shocked at what I saw my hair turned rainbow and my eyes were rainbow too. I saw something pop out of my head and it was cat ears and a tail also popped out. I just thought everything was a dream so I went back into bed and fell asleep. But then in my beautiful second sleep I was awoken by someone shoving me. I woke up and I saw Zack very concerned I said "what's wrong love? Did something happen?" " your no longer the boy I fell in love with everything about you has changed your hair and even the things I loved the most your eyes, I'm sorry but I don't love you anymore your not you goodbye." He then disappeared and I thought it was just a nightmare until I went downstairs and my mother was there cooking she looked at me and dropped the plate. She then said "you've already transformed into your final stage as a demon but the book never said anything about rainbow." "What book?" " never mind that where's Zack?" "Wait this isn't a nightmare?" I was afraid if her answer and when she said that one word I broke down and cried she said "no." I cried and I was heart broken he left me he should pay for hurting me. Watch out Zack because tomorrow your gonna pay. The next day came and I wore a very disturbing outfit. I wore a bold sweater I owned with ripped skinny jeans with red threads where they ripped and a pentagram bow with a pentagram necklace. Zack said I was the son of satan might as well look the part and act it too. I then decided to take off the sweater too much work to have it on. I wore a pentagram shirt and walked out the house . I saw some guys looking at me and laughing so I looked at them and made my fire consume their souls. I laughed and walked to school I went in and everyone looked afraid of me good because I was pissed. I walked into homeroom and I saw the guy who kept crushing on me. I walked over to him and sat in his lap he then said "you change your mind sweet ass." "Oh I sure did I want you to wreck my ass with your large long cock ." I then grabbed his dick and said "ooh I can't wait for this to be in me ." I winked at him and he looked like he just cummed himself I laughed quietly and sat in my seat. I saw Zack walk in and he sat next to me. I ignored him and then he said " Aaron are you ok?" "I turned my head towards him and made my eyes glow and burned his hand." He screamed loud and held his arm. I then got up and punched him in the face and he went flying out the window. I followed him out the window and jumped 4 stories down and was fine. The kids all looked at me and screamed I then snapped my fingers and made the whole school burn down to the ground. Zack looked at me and said " what's gotten into you?" "You don't remember dumping me and making me cry for hours and saying you don't love me anymore huh!" "I'll make you remember then!" I unleashed my rage and was covered in flames I kicked him in the stomach and he went flying. He coughed up blood and got up and looked at me scared . He started to cry and i stopped my flames and walked over to him. He flinched when I touched his shoulder. I started to cry and I went to run away but he grabbed my wrist and swung me around to hug him. He then said " I'm so sorry about last night that wasn't me it was my twin brother." I didn't want to believe him but his embrace made me believe different I stoped my flames and used them to reverse time as I found out I can do this morning. Everybody forgot what I did and me and Zack were just hugging on the field he looked at me and said " I know you don't believe me but it's true." He kissed me and I fell in love all over again. I looked at him and nodded. Then all of a sudden I was pushed away from Zack and there was another man who looked just like him trying to swing at him." I saw him trying to hit Zack or whoever so I shot my flames at both their wrist to keep then from attacking. They both struggled and I walked over to one of them and I bite his neck he moaned from the bite and I bit the other one who screamed from it. I guess one of them likes torture sex. I then said who is who I'm so confused the one who moaned said I'm Ashton and that bite was pretty hot it turned me on so much come here and look at what you did. I saw his massive boner and blushed he then said you gonna take care of this problem you caused. I blushed and nodded it wasn't fair I did this. Zack then said Aaron don't you dare try to you know that you don't have too" " but I caused it and I don't want him to have a Boner walking around here." "You know what fine go blow my brother but don't expect to come back to me if you touch him were over." We already broke up asshole but I'm not going to blow him." I used the fire to teleport us all home. I unblinded the chains on them and I felt someone hug me I then felt a boner on my ass. I then said Ashton what are you doing. He kissed my neck and said "I want you so bad son of satan I know your a virgin which means your super tight and I can just picture me watching you moan my name while I wreck your ass." I blushed and turned around to face him." Uhm Ashton I can't date you or sleep with you , you look to much like Zack and I can't. He then said "Zack ever show you his demon form ?" "No what's that ?" This, he then transformed into an ice demon who looked absolutely beautiful. He then said we all have our demon forms even you. My form is this Zack is actually way different I'm Ice and he's fire." So what will mine be ?" No one actually knows nobody has ever seen Satan's either the only who has seen it is now only a head he says that it his form was so scary and powerful that it destroyed him with one shot, he also said Satan's wife was just as powerful and strong that she was also the most beautiful girl there was but her power over powered even satan, so we have reason to believe that you over power both of them in power and beauty." Ashton then slowly bent down and tried to kiss me, but Zack swung at him and he missed Ashton and hit me. I got a bloody nose and I went to the bathroom and cleaned it off. The water in the sink turned red and it wasn't going down. Then the bathroom door closed and someone came up from my blood. He looked super scary and mean I just sat down and crawled in a corner and cried. I felt someone hug me and I saw the man he was hugging me and he was crying. I wiped his tears and said why are you crying?" He looked at me and said "my son it's you." He smiled and I saw his face I looked at it and it was very handsome. I then said "you're my father?" Yes my son I am I am lord satan but you can call me father or whatever you decide." I started to cry and I hugged him and said "daddy I've been wanting to meet you for a long time now." He hugged me back and said daddy is kinda for babies but you are my baby so it's ok. He kissed my head and said now why are you bleeding so much my son?" I got punched in the face by accident by Zack a fire demon." My father then burst into flames but none of them hurt me they were warm and gentle but were burning everything else to melting point." I then said daddy calm down." He did and said where is he?" In my room with his brother Ashton." He's here too !" Daddy please calm down this is the first time we're meeting." He calmed down and said I know so my son are you still a virgin?" I blushed and said OMG that's so embarrassing to ask" he laughed and said that's a yes well good I don't want anyone to corrupt my sons pure ness I want you to be able to pick your own husband." " how'd you know I like guys?" I didn't but you are my only heir and you are the only one who can get pregnant that is male so yeah I figured you would like men." I can have babies ?!?" Yeah you're part demon and angel why wouldn't you." Wait I'm part angel I thought that was a big no no in the demon world." It is but they I was in love and so was she even though we were rulers of out own world," wait a god damn minute my mother is god." Yes she is." I thought god was a guy?!?" Nope it's not it's your mother you wanna meet her?" Uhm hell yeah." He laughed and said ok do you know how to use your wings?" I have wings ?!?" Yes you do just think of what your wings would look like with your heart." I thought of beautiful wings made out of my rainbow fire that were easy to move but very powerful that could create tornados with a flap of them and I pictured four of them in me for defense and attack. I opened my eyes and those wings I thought of were there my father was shocked he then said " those are the legendary first wings the ones who belonged to the first arch creator he made me and your mother only we have seen him and we know how he uses rainbow flames you have his powers and wings son you are destined to create this world a new or destroy it you are the next great creator." What how I am?!?" Relax let's just go see your mother." We made a portal with his mind and we flew through it and was in a beautiful realm that had all white everywhere. I saw two golden gates and my father said I cannot pass through the angels do not know that I have the power to enter tho realm it would Create chaos if they did." What do I do" just enter the gates and you'll be teleported to heaven" ok see you later father i love you I then hugged him and he hugged back and said love you too my son . I passed through the gates and everything changed I was in a town with people who had beautiful white wings they all were angels. I saw a giant tower angels going and leaving my mother must be there. I made my wings disappear and walked through town I got dirty looks and someone threw a rock at me and said"no wings are disgusting get out of out town." More rocks were thrown And I got cut and my blood hit the ground. Someone gasped and said he's bleeding he's human." I was crying and I let a tear fall." They all gasped and someone said we are so sorry." I then got up and said even if I wasn't human you treat angels with no wings different you all don't deserve to live." I grew my wings and they all said the arch creator. They all got on their hands and knees and said we are sorry. I then said I shall not pity any of you not even the children they tried to run but I used my fire chains to hold then in place and make it tighten around them they all screamed and were crying. I then said people like you don't deserve to live in heaven not with the way you treat people." Someone said lady Lilith please help they all prayed for this lady to come. I saw a bright light leave the tower and come towards the town I shined bright and then I saw a beautiful woman dressed in white with the biggest most white looking wings here she then said "who are you how did you get here why are you hurting my people." She then noticed my wings and my face and said " Aaron my son is that you." I smiled and said mommy. She started to cry and ran towards me and hugged me I hugged her back and she looked at me and said my baby why are you bleeding I pointed at the towns people and my mothers while outfit changed from white to pitch black she then said" you hurt my son and for that you shall all die ." She shot a beam out of her hands but I used my teleporting flames to make it miss I then said" mother no more violence in one day I thought them a lesson." She then said fine ." Her clothes changed back and I freed the people from their chains they all thanked me and I said you will treat wingless angles with respect or next time I'll send you all to hell they all froze and said anything but that one if them started shaking and crying my mother them said hell for them is the worst punishment ever it's being known as an outcast and they must never return here it strikes fear into them. I laughed and said daddies not all that bad. She stopped and said you met him." I have he's really nice" that's the first well you are his only child." Awe I wanted brothers or a sister." Oh you have some from my side before I met your father you have 1 older brother and 1 older sister they are how can I put it mean and rude also your brother might hit on you he's gay and your sister might try to fight you she's all big and bad as a fighter." Uhm mom I'm gay and dad said I can get pregnant ." She stopped and said oh dear your brother has heard of you from me if he finds out you can he'll make you his husband by any means." I gulped and we got to the tower where my mom lead me to her room. While we were in her room I heard some girl yell a new foe how dare you be so close to my mother." I looked up and a girl with a sword was coming at me. I used my wings as a shield then pushed her and the sword back into a wall she then passed out." I then said I'm so sorry will she be alright." " that would be Christina your older sister first time she's ever lost a fight props to you but I hope you know she'll keep challenging you." I then felt hands wrap around my waist I blushed and I hear some guy say you smell so good and you're back is so cute I wanna see your face." He pushed up against me tighter and I felt his boner on my back so I used my teleport flames to teleport behind my mother and I saw a really hot guy who looked at me and said god damn your cute I will make you mine it's final." I shot my fire blast at him and he hit the wall and passed out." My mother looked at me and said don't you think that was harsh." No his boner was on my back and I want him to forget about me so I don't have to be his. My mother and I talked for about an hour I helped her put my siblings on the couch . We talked for another hour until they both woke up and I was on my mother lap. My sister then said how dare you sit in her lap." My mother raised her hand and said Christina and Chris this is Aaron your baby brother who so happens to be the next great arch creator and he kinda knocked you both out with one shot each ." They both were shocked and my sister fell to the floor and said " I was defeated so easily" I went over to her and hugged her and said I'm Sowwy I hurt you sister." I started to cry and she said " awe please don't cry it's ok I forgive you you are family so it's good that your stronger than me she picked me up and put me on her back she then said " I wanna spend time with my baby brother see you later lol be back late." She flew off with me on her back before anyone could say anything. We flew to an arena were she threw me down it really hurt a lot. She then said listen here you little brat nobody beats me I'm going to kill you now and mother will have me as her favorite again." She pulled out a giant sword from the air and swung at me. I created a flame shield and the sword broke she yelled in frustration and came at me with her fist I grew my wings and created a flame tornado with them that burned her badly she was on the ground in pain and I created a sword out of my flames and was gonna strike her until I remembered ok not a murderer. I made the sword disappear and flew away I was turning into a monster. I heard her yell run coward nobody needs you anyway you're nothing but trash. That one set me off I stopped I'm midair and looked at her and said you know I can create anything out of anything so wha of I created my own personal dimension one where it's just like hell I'll call it the death land and anyone sent hear shall be tortured and signed as the biggest outcast and their name and memory shall be wiped from everyone not even a single person wool know you existed not your mother or father or even family or friends they won ever know who you are unless I say so so get ready to parish into the death land dear sweet sister and I'll make sure you get a video image of how great out lives are without you I looked at her and snapped my finger sand then a grim reaper looking guy came out and said my lord I shall take this soul for you and bring into my land but with a price everytime you summon me to help aid you into bringing someone into death land I deserve a kissin the lips. I looked at him he was pretty hot so I said he about this new deal I date you and you become my boyfriend sand you hell can get all the kisses you want and maybe even smoke thing extra if you're a guy boy but here's your kiss . I kissed him and he tasted so good. He put his arm around my wait and grabbed my ass and said me and you are now eternally linked bae I then said let me guess the kiss made us one ,you got that right sugar lips now come here and kiss me I then leaned in and kissed him an he kissed back he put his tongue in my mouth and battled for dominance he was wining until I grabbed his ass an he moaned he then said ooh I like how my baby knows how to turn me on ugh I wanna pound that sweet ass of yours bae. I winked and said you know I can get pregnant so we can have lots of babies because I don't get tired and I don't think you do either I then winked at him and he blushed and said in so hard right now ima take this girl into death land and thn come back oh please say we can hav sex when I come back , yes bae we can have sex when you come back but you gotta beg for it because I like being bottom but I'm very naughty and I like to tease my master he then made my hand touch his cock and it was so fucking huge i blushed and he said it's big bae and this is going to be in you so get ready because were gonna make babies all night and ima make sure you'll be sore in the morning. I blushed and he flew off to go bring her into death land I didn't make anyone forget her that would be to harsh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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