|27| The Coordinator

Start from the beginning

Then a robot came to you, a heater robot, and helped you unfreeze yourself from all the ice that covered you.

Damn, Izuku.

"Good try!" Someone started and it was followed by another one which soon became a loud cheer by every audience around the stadium.

Your eyes narrowed as you eyed Todoroki, lips were thinned into a flat line and brows were furrowed in worry. You saw from the side how sad Todoroki was when he was melting the ice he just created.

I get that you want to defeat him with your all, Izuku. But please...

You felt the ice finally evaporated and this made you sigh in relief mixed with worry as the thought passed your mind.

...don't break yourself that much.

Then when you're all settled, you shouted in a firm way—not letting yourself slip with a breaking voice. "Todoroki Shoto moves to the second round!"

Then you sighed, hands were falling to your side as you watched the robots take the frozen and chilled Sero to your grandma while Todoroki was walking out of the messed up stage.

The next fight, which was for Kaminari and Shiozaki, ended in a flash (you see what I did there? Eh, eh? No? Sorry.) with Shiozaki winning the match. Iida and Hatsune were the next, so you were kind of excited for this. To see a friend fight on a battle, you couldn't help but to internally cheer him on. Although it seemed Iida...was a little off.

"The first round's just about half-over! Next up is Iida Tenya of the Hero Course! Versus... Covered head-to-toe in support items! Mei Hatsune of the Support Course!"

You sweat-dropped as you saw him wearing all the support items, keeping in mind that this is Iida so he might have a reason to wear it...but still...

"How's this match gonna go? I mean, what is that...? Looks like Iida's also equipped with support items?!"

You crossed your arms, putting on your teacher-mode on as you huffed, raising a brow towards Iida. "Iida, support items are forbidden for the Hero Course students. You have to pass a request form for those before you go in the competition."

Iida was shocked at the rule—but it made sense since it was the first thing why they had to wear P.E. uniforms instead of their costumes.

"Oh! I forgot! I didn't think it'd be a problem seeing as how Aoyama wears the belt of his..."

You tugged your lips into a thin line before looking to him. "He passed a form for the support item. So it's an exemption."

He lightly bowed his head in apology towards you, sweat-dropping a little bit as he started his explanation. "I'm terribly sorry, then! Except...I was touched by my opponent's sense of sportsmanship!"

You narrowed your eyes at his words, finding it to be very...sentimental and youth-like.

Nemu-san might like this kind of youthful speech. She always does...she's Midnight, the R-rated Hero after all...right?

But Iida still continued, "Although she's a member of the support course...she came to me and said, 'if were to be seen as equals, then we should fight on equal footing.' She gave me these items to use! Her earnest spirit...I could never look down on it! That was my thinking!"

Ah...Well, you're Iida after all, so no surprises...

With a sigh, you gave him a small smile and let your hands fall to your hips. "Well, I guess I can allow it. If both parties agreed on it...well, why not?"

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