Chapter 3: Suck my dick.

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-Livia's Pov-

"That's her" I mumble.

I feel awful.


"You look like her," she says with a sad smile.

"Thanks, I guess," I say.

"So she died?" she says, tears sparkling in her eyes, "How?"

"Car accident," I whisper. It feels like the walls are closing in on me

"Oh," she sniffs, "Can you give me a minute?"

I nod and she leaves the room. I see her hug Kaden as she cries on his shoulder. Kaden looks up at me with a confused look in his eyes and I quickly look down and run out of the office.

I need air.

"Hey Livia," Kaden says but I ignore him and run out of the door. I start running back to my house. Cars and people pass me but I just ignore their questioning looks and keep running.

I don't even notice the metal pole on the sidewalk before I run straight into it. There's black spots dancing in my eyes just before I pass out.

"Tesoro!" my mother laughed as I ran with my little sister towards the park, "stop running Tesoro! My old legs can't keep up!" a dazzling smile spread across her lips as she carried the picnic basket after us.

"Sorry Ma," I smiled sheepishly as we sat down on the grass.

"Sowy Ma," my little sister giggled. She was only 4 at the time and couldn't pronounce everything correctly.

I miss her so much. I miss them both so much.

"It's okay Tersoro," she says addressing us both with a smile.

"Where's papa?" I asked and her smile fades just a little but it returns just as quick.

"He's busy today, Tersoro. But don't worry, we can still have a good time," she unpacks the food in the picnic basket and lays it out to eat.

My sister and I laughed as we stuffed our faces with food. I always tried to make her laugh as much as possible, it made me happy to see her happy.

Ma speaks up with a laugh and hugs us, "Mis hermosas chicas"



"Livia!" I hear someone call and I just close my eyes tighter not wanting to wake up from the most peaceful sleep I've had in weeks.

"Livia?" I hear someone whisper next to me.

"What?" I say with my eyes still closed.

"Come on, you have to get up," the voice says again and I slowly open my eyes to see my bedroom with Violet sitting next to me on the bed.

"How'd I get up here?" I rub my eyes and blink. The pain in my head is immedite and I cringe and bring my hand up to my head, there's a bump.

"Kaden must have brought you home," she says with a wink, "are you okay?"

"What?" I say and abruptly sit up.

"Yeah, you don't remember anything?" she asks with a concerned look.

"I was running and then... I hit something, that's right," I don't remember anything after that. I do remember everything before that. Did Kaden really bring me home?

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