Part 1||Breaking Tables

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I felt bad for Hope.  She kept her head low and spoke quietly.  I liked her.  She seemed sweet.  And seriously, Kristen looks so good in crop tops, so I am keeping that outfit in mind for her.  Cause that's a cute outfit

As Hope went to get punch Gabbie looked at me seriously telling everyone else to casually disperse.  
"She self-harms.  She thinks she's ugly, fat, stupid, and not funny.  That's why she was so worried"
"YO HOPE, CAN YOU GRAB ME SOME TOO?!" I call as I notice she's about to walk over with Gabbies 
"Sure" she says so quietly, I can't even hear, I can just read her lips.  
"Aw!" I said 
"I thought you'd two hit it off since you both do it" she said
"Ah yes, all depressed people immediately become best friends" I said sarcastically
"Shut up" she said and I laughed.  
Hope walked up with three drinks and handed me one really shyly, not meeting my eyes.  She handed Gabbie hers.  I felt SO bad. She took a small sip and then said
"How much sugar is in this?" 
"Hope, look me in the eyes" I said
she nervously looked up and I smiled
"You don't have to worry how much sugar is in it.  You are beautiful" and I smiled again.  She blushed and looked down again
"So I hear you're a fan?" Scotty says
"She probably has some of your merch in the bag I had her pack" Gabbie says
I saw as her cheeks flushed with red and I laughed saying
"You do, don't you" 
She just nodded.  

Then Jake Paul walked up.  (a/n: idk, just roll with it)
"'Sup scott?" He asked me
"Nothin' much" I said stiffly
"And who is this stunning young woman?" Jake asked
"Hope." Gabbie said
"She can answer" Jake said 
"Or you can go." Gabbie said.  
Jake walked away
"What the hell was that, Gabbie?" I asked
"Oh, Hope HATES the Paul brothers.  She hates Team Ten." Gabbie said
I opened my mouth to say something but Hope interrupted
"Great, another reason for Scotty to hate me.  Can I meet Alex, I'm done wasting poor Scotty's time" She said

I know my best friend and when she said that, I could sense the tears in her eyes
"Oh my gosh, you're hardly wasting my time!" Scotty said
I looked over at him and mouthed the words 
'she's crying' 
Scott nodded and we walked to find Alex.  He looked really stressed out as he walked to where Kristen was standing.  
I walked up to Alex and made eye contact with him mouthing 'play nice' and he also nodded.

"'Sup Gabbie?" He said
"Not much.  A friend of mine is a huge fan.  She loves your music and your vlogs.  She hasn't even seen you in David's vlogs though" I say
"What's your name" he says, grabbing her chin and lifting her head up to look at him.  Tears sparkle in her eyes.  He gently wipes them off as she says 
"That's pretty.  Fits for a pretty girl"
She blushes
"What's your favorite song of mine?" He asks her
"Speakeasy.  I do really love lovestruck though" Hope says, smiling 
How is he doing this? He's usually screaming.  So like, wow! He made her so genuinely happy!
After me losing focus and staring into space for a couple minutes, I see that Hope's face is up, she's showing it, and she's laughing!
"I'm gonna socialize, Hope, just look for me when you need me.  I'm not leaving the party, I'm gonna go get wasted" I say, honestly.  I'm wondering how Hope looks so self-confident.  Then I see the one fault, she's covering her stomach.  I decide that she's not gonna be completely comfortable around someone as famous as Alex.  


I learned that Alex is not 21 yet and can't drink.  Like me.  I know because I told him 
"I'm driving Gabbie.  I can drive you as well if you want." and then he told me he's not even gonna drink but I might have to take him anyway because David Drove him and David is wasted.  
Gabbie finds me and asks me to cut the Pineapple
"Weird request, why?" I say
"I WANT SOME PINEAPPLE!" She yells and I can smell the alcohol on her breath
"Okay".  I do it on a white table.  I don't use a cutting board.  I cut through and the knife slips right through and cuts into the table.  


Nobody notices but Alex walks over and looks at me and grabs my face, saying
"That was the sexiest thing I've ever seen" and then he kisses me.  I kiss back.  I don't ever want the kiss to end.  Alex knows all the best things about me.  If we have a relationship, he's going to find out the worst.  And then we WON'T have a relationship.  So if this kiss ends, we will no matter what end up not in a relationship.  Finally, we both resurface and I look up.  Everyone is staring at us...dead silent.  

Gabbie starts cheering, and everyone else joins. Seconds later, they all lose interest and that's it.  I feel an odd amount of confidence and say 
"Alex, I loved that kiss, a lot.  But let me be right back.  I have to clear things up with Scotty" I said, I had to talk to Scotty

I found Scotty and he said
"Two things. 
1) I don't hate you
2) That was HOT" he said laughing
"Well, I hate me.  That's why I said all that. And I'm telling you this because you do too.  You hate yourself too.  Even though you are so amazing.  I laugh every time you laugh when I watch your videos.  It helps me get through my depression without dying.  And also, hell yeah it was.  And more, are you drunk?" I ask
"A little too drunk to drive but I'm not that bad" he says
"I can take you.  I'm not allowed to drink and my car has eight seats.  It's a honda" I say
"That'd be cool.  Can you take Kristen too?" he asks
"yeah, of course" I say
"Thanks" he says
"No problem" I say

I then tell Toddy, Kristen, Liza, David, and Gabbie that I'd be driving the, and we are leaving at 1:30 am.  It takes some talking into.  But basically, we're leaving in half an hour.  
Alex and I talk for like, 25 minutes.  Then I start collecting my group.  We all pile into the car.  
"Alex, why did you say me breaking tables was sexy?" I asked him quietly while everyone else was getting into the car
He smiles "I think it's cute that we both break tables."


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