Part 2||Love IS a strong word

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We all went back to my place as voted by, well, everyone. 

I gave David and Liza my bed, I gave Scotty and Kristen my guest bedroom.  I gave Todd the cot (it's like a small foldable bed thing) and I gave alex the futon.  the secret to the futon was, I have a memory foam pad that goes over it so he had it good.  I gave Gabbie the couch and I took the floor.  

We all fell asleep.  
I woke up at six in the morning.  I've since given up on beauty sleep, it clearly doesn't work.  I write a quick note 
Hey whoever is reading this,
I had to head out to get some ice.  I went to get milk both normal and lactose free (I got you Liza) and some eggs and bacon.  Also pancakes and toast. But yeah, I'll probably be back by 7:30.  And if you're awake, go back to sleep.  It helps cure hangovers.  But get some water before you go back to sleep
With love,
Hope. [insert phone number] <for emergencies

And then I grabbed my purse and put on a fresh outfit (outfit above) and went to the store.  I doubted anyone would see my note but just in case.  I half hoped Alex would see it.  Then he'd have my phone number.  I went to the store and got the materials.  I grabbed an apron while I was out because my last one ripped.  I need aprons because sometimes I get angry and I start throwing food.  It's a thing that happens.  
I get home and start cooking.  As I start to cook everything, Alex walks up and grabs my waist
"What's cookin good lookin?" He asks, swaying us from side to side
"Breakfast. Can you start the coffee?" I asked
"Sure, how much" he asks
"Actually, I hate doing this, but do you know everyone's favorite flavor of coffee?" I asked
"Yeah.  I'll go to starbucks" he says
"You're a lifesaver,I'm a vanilla mocha!" I say, handing him my wallet 
"I'm not using this" he says
"I am making you go to Starbucks.  You are letting me pay" I insist
"Fine" he says "but I'm paying".  

I know he didn't want me to hear that.  I watched him set my wallet on the table as he walks out the door.  I go over to it, grab 30 dollars, and put the money in his jean pocket.  
He's not paying...

I go back to the kitchen and finish cooking.  I made two lactose free pancakes.  I have everyone's food and alex walks in as I'm buttering the toast.  He sets the eight coffees on the table and walks back into the kitchen wrapping his arms around my waist.  We stand like that while I finish putting everyone's food on their plates.  At the end of this, I have flour on my face from wiping my face and My hair is in a messy bun because I was hot.  I took my hair down and it was extremely wavy.  

"Sexy" Gabbie says, walking in, referring to Alex and I
"oof" I say, blushing
"You made food?" She asked
"Alex got coffee" I said
"Which one is mine" Gabbie asked Alex
"The one with your name on it" he laughed.
" shit. My bad" Gabbie laughed.  I admired her ability to laugh at herself.  
I put all the food on plates and set them with everyone's labeled coffee.  I smiled to myself when Alex and I were next to each other. I put ketchup, hot sauce, butter, syrup, salt, and pepper in the middle of the table for anyone who wants it.  I made a big glass of Ice water for anyone who needed it and I put a bunch of Advil in the middle of the table.  
"Gabbie, pour this on Todd" I said, handing her a cup of water.  I had to wake up at least ONE of them like that.  
I walked into my room "David, Liza" I said, shaking them both awake.  I waited until they both grunted before saying "Food...and coffee" 
I walked into the guest room and did the same for Scotty and Kristen.  Only, Liza and David are still working their way to waking up whereas when I said food, Scott got up and when I said Coffee, Kristen got up.  They all got in their seats.  I walked out and when I finished washing my face and taking my apron off, I went to the table.  I saw everyone waiting for me and I blushed
"You can start.  I don't recommend drinking the coffee because you're hungover but if you want, sure.  There's water and advil if you want."
I sit down and everyone digs in.  Liza hesitates
"Yours is lactose free" I say to her
She nods saying "thanks" and she digs in as well.  
Every ingredient I put out is used.  
"Why'd you make this for us?" Scotty says, putting attention on me, which I hate
"I heard it's good for hangovers to eat a big breakfast.  Plus I felt like I owed it to you" I said
"We haven't done anything...except Alex" Scott says, winking
"Little do you know" I mumble
"huh?" Scotty asks
"Nothing" I say, getting up and collecting all the empty plates.  I rinse them off and start putting them in the dishwasher

What the hell does she mean "little do you know"?
Gabbie, as if reading our minds, says 
"She's depressed and when she's feeling really bad, she uses our videos as a distractions.  She acts like she doesn't watch mine but I've seen them in her history." 
"Oh!" I say, that makes sense
"Guys, I don't know about y'all, but I think we should invite her to the vlogsquad" I say
"Why?" David asks
"She took us in when we were drunk and gave us a place to stay.  She gave us a ride.  She woke up early and made breakfast. All for US" I said
"Good point" Alex says
"She's gonna be really quiet and she won't want to be in the vlogs yet" Gabbie warns
"It's okay" I said

We have decided to tell her about the vlogsquad news tomorrow.  I'm talking to Alex about her
"Do you like her?" I ask
"Yeah.  She's really smart and pretty and funny and sweet and thoughtful" Alex says 
"Do you LOVE her?" I ask
He seems confused by the word alone
"Love is a strong word" he says

Love Is A Strong WordWhere stories live. Discover now