*Tooth & Claw*

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The Doctor pats down his pockets, searching for the psychic paper. I roll my eyes, reaching over and pulling it from his left inside pocket. "Thank you," he smiles down at me before showing the Captain. "As you can see: a Doctorate from the University of Edinburgh," he shows the soldiers the paper. "I trained under Doctor Bell himself and I trained her myself," he gestures to me.

"Let them approach," a regal English accent calls out.

"I don't think that's wise, ma'am," the Captain eyes us suspiciously.

"Let them approach," the woman repeats firmly.

The Doctor gestures toward the carriage with raised eyebrows. The Captain sighs, "you will approach the carriage and show all due deference," he narrows his eyes.

I nod and the Doctor gives a one-finger salute as the three of us approach the carriage. One of the footmen opens the door to reveal... "Lizzie, Rose... might I introduce Her Majesty, Queen Victoria," the Doctor smiles. "Empress of India and Defender of the Faith."

I stare at the woman in awe, "u-um... Elizabeth Tyler, m-ma'am," I curtsy and the Doctor raises an eyebrow in question. "What?" I mouth.

The Doctor leans down to my ear, "you told her your full name... I thought you didn't like it," he whispers, making a shiver run down my spine at his breath hitting my neck.

"I- I don't... but she's the Queen," I murmur back with slightly red cheeks, making the Doctor smirk to himself as he straightens.

Rose's voice makes me jump slightly, "Rose Tyler, ma'am, and my apologies... for being so naked," she curtsies, chuckling nervously.

"I've had five daughters, it's nothing to me," Queen Victoria waves off. "But you, Doctor, show me these credentials," she orders and he obliges, handing her the psychic paper. "Why didn't you say so immediately?" she asks after a moment of studying it. "It states clearly here that you have been appointed by the Lord Provost as my protector," she looks at the Doctor with slightly wide eyes.

"Does it?" the Doctor asks, taking it back and Rose and I each elbow him in the sides discreetly. "Yes, it does!" he nods quickly, narrowing his eyes between us slightly. "Good! Good, um... then let me ask: why is Your Majesty traveling by road when there's a train all the way to Aberdeen?"

"A tree on the line," Queen Victoria answers simply.

"An accident?" the Doctor raises an eyebrow.

"I am the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, everything around me tends to be planned," she states, sitting up a bit straighter.

"So... it was an assassination attempt, then?" I mutter.

"What, seriously? There's people out to kill ya?" Rose asks with wide eyes.

"I'm quite used to staring down the barrel of a gun," Queen Victoria assures her with a slight smirk.

The Captain cuts in from behind us, "Sir Robert MacLeish lives but ten miles hence, we'll send word ahead," he announces. "He'll shelter us for tonight, then we can reach Balmoral tomorrow."

"This Doctor and his nurse and their... timorous beastie will come with us," the Queen tells him, making the three of us beam.

"Yes, ma'am," the Captain nods. "We'd better get moving, it's almost nightfall," he warns.

"Indeed and there are stories of wolves in these parts; fanciful tales intended to scare children but good for the blood, I think," Queen Victoria smiles. "Drive on!" she orders.

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