Chapter 3

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Krystal Pov

'Why do I put any faith in dragons?' I thought to myself 'Why have I been cursed with such naivety?' I hardly noticed Toothless enter the cave. When my brain finally processed and realized that he had come to me, it sort of shut down. I sat there slack-jawed in surprise...but my instincts made take up a defensive stance.

"...Heheh...I know I'm probably the last dragon you want to see right now, but I'd like to apologize for my friends...they saw you as a threat, and I assume their humans to do...yeah I'm awful at apologies." He said shifting around awkwardly

When my brain finally Rebooted and processed what had occurred, I felt pure joy. "HA HA! My gut feelings were right for once!" I yelled, rushing to Toothless and wrapping him in a wing hug.

"HOLY THO-" he started, but was cut off by my tackle hug.

After a few minutes, I got off of him blushing like a young drake. "Sorry, my bad. Here lemme help you." I said, pulling him up with a claw.

"I swear, you are as hyper as...something." He said

"Ha ha, you are hilarious."

"I try."

"So...where is-"

"The rest are still at the doubt worrying about me. They seem to see you as a threat."

"Heh...they have no idea. Oops, did I say that out loud?"

And with that he laughed. It was a laugh that did more than almost any laugh ever could. It filled my heart with hope, and honestly it had been so long since I felt hope that I almost shed a tear...almost.

"Heh...well then, before I go I'll ask you one question."

'Wait go?' "What?"

"Is it at all possible to get you to come back with me?" He asked

'Underlying feeling of dread...yup...entire body telling me to listen to it...nope.' "Well, your island certainly has more...color to it. Definitely beats having to watch my back for unknown threats." I said

"Well then...shall we depart?"

"Might as well."

And with those three words, we took flight from the cave I had taken as temporary shelter, and returned to his Island.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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