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Jacob's pov

"Fuckin' 'ell," Troye utters as he cradles the toilet bowl, emptying the contents from his stomach.

I stand at the door and frown, "You were fine this morning. What's gotten you so sick?"

He glances up at me and gives a little frown, "I don't know."

"Let me go get some meds and such from the supermarket. You get tucked into my bed and all cuddly." I direct, thinking ahead as to what I'm going to get at the store.

"I don't want to get you sick, though." He mumbles, wiping his face with his long sleeve and sniffling.

I wave a hand out, "Don't you worry your little sick head off."

"Up, up once you're ready. I'll be back soon." I mutter and exit the washroom, heading off in a minute's time.

And when I get back with bags full of goods, the little guy's dozed off laying on his side in my bedroom, curls falling across his face, making him look dashingly cute as ever. Well, God, Mona Lisa, the fairies... whoever's out there, this is my coming out to you. I cannot get any bit gayer than I am right now, staring deeply at the one I couldn't possibly tear from my heart nor mind.

"Babe, got you some goods." I murmur, walking up to my bed and gently waking him.

He slowly opens his eyes and smiles up at me through the misery that's evident on his face. My poor sick boy.

"Decongestant for that sniffle, cough drops and soar throat spray, anti-nausea chews, soup, fruit, because a boy needs it to get better, chapstick because hm, antibacterial soap because someone is not getting me sick before my last game of the season, lollipops i picked up from the bank, mints, printables for my nerd, and a contaminating hug from me." I list off as he's sat up, arms spread out as I come in for a little hug.

"Thank you, Jacob." He says in a tired tone, resting his head on my shoulder then leaning back once I pull away.

"Let's put on something for us to watch and get you better as soon as possible." I speak much more than I have to, always finding a comfort in doing the maximum verbally.

We're both tucked in close and watching some documentary on felines in no time, Troye having tissues stuffed up his nose as he hiccups against my chest, my arms wrapped around him protectively. He's a bit of a wreck today, but I'm here and that's okay. Today, we cuddle.


a/n: sometimes u just gotta 💝💞💓💗💖💘💕❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤❣️, you know? love u angels, i hope you're all doing well

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