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Troye's pov

"I was just, I was just sitting here thinking of your kiss and your warm embrace..." I sing along with miss Dua Lipa, occupying one side of my mind while the other suffers tackling my studies.

I've only got half of my practice exam done and I've been at it for two hours. If I've got something keeping me going, hey, it's for the best. I type away on my laptop and let myself focus more on that as the beautiful song plays out, her voice belting out at times. She's surely one of the only charting artists I'll listen to. My taste is more last century, but I just couldn't resist the way her lips part and beauty comes out.

"Dammit, Troye! Distracted again!" I scold myself, staring out the window listening to music.

"Focus." I whisper, bringing my attention back to the screen.

Before I know it I'm finished, realising that actually paying attention can do charms. I make myself dinner and text Jacob asking when he'll be home, as he has been gone all day. Maybe he'll join me for dinner.

I then have a calm Tuesday night, never getting a text back so I decided me and my bowl of soup were all I needed. I danced and sung around the flat to Amy Winehouse and Celine Dion as I would any other night in my old flat. A glass of wine and a few drunken texts I would regret sending later, my flatmate never returned home.

Stumbling through the hall, I take a turn into his bedroom and decide sleeping in his bed is a good idea. I lay my back down on his mattress and smile cheesily up at the ceiling as I hear Richard begin his routine performance, shredding his violin to a tone no one should ever shred to.

"Gooooodniiiight moon..." I mumble, hugging his pillow to my chest and falling into a dreamy sleep.

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