Chapter 11 - A Three-Stage Recovery

Start from the beginning

"Uh... What's going on?" Edward asks sceptically. He proceeds to then begin untying my ankles.

"No, Edward," I whisper to him. "I need to be restrained for the reconnection."

Both the Elrics stare blankly at me, wondering my motives and reasons for the bindings. I don't answer their looks; instead, I quickly and quietly hand over my precious siblings. Handing Marcus to Edward and Jacky to Alphonse. I don't want them to get hurt by my actions when the connection is made, and I know they will be in very safe hands.


After several minutes of preparation later I'm safely secured to the table/bed, my hand and feet almost unmovable, torso being squashed down, and the wet rag draped softly over my eyes.

I hear the soft pattering of feet a moment later and the jangle of auto-mail joints bending. From this, I know Winry is finished with my limb and is now preparing it for the attachment. Sure enough, the cold metal hits my shoulder joint and sends tingles and surges of irritation through my spine.

"You ready?" Winry asks from my right side, concern clearly laced in her tone.

"As I'll ever be..." I reply and hold tightly to the fabric beneath me.

A tinkle of metal and a hardy tug on my shoulder later, and a whirlwind of pain shoots through my entire body. The searing sensation races from head to toe, fingertip to the bottom of my spine. The pain is almost too much, but I keep in my screams and cries of agony, only letting out muffled gasps through my clenched teeth. My body then begins to act on its own, forcing my back to arch against my restraints.

The pain keeps circulating my body over and over, never ceasing its torture. Eventually, however, it makes it's way up my spinal cord and travels its way through my brain pathways. It sears and stings, feeling like someone is attempting to rip me apart from the inside out.


Now, at this point, you're probably confused at my reaction, the amount of pain I have to go through, and the inability to control my own movements. Well let me explain;

After having my memories taken by 'Truth,' my mind was damaged in several ways. This causes any nerve-related pains and adjustments - such as the connection of the nerves to my auto-mail arm - forces my brain into a three-stage recovery system.

The first stage; I lose all control over my limbs, such as arms and legs. This is a reason why I have to be restrained and kept out of arms reach of people.

The second stage; my mood changes drastically at first, and eventually, I lose all knowledge of any outlet of emotions. This means I don't know the exact feeling I am displaying to the surrounding audience and won't be able to control it. This is one of my most troubling stages for me, as I usually bottle up my emotions and display a blank expression.

The third, and final stage; I go into almost complete shutdown. My mind goes black, and I will not be able to interact with people and objects. I will not be able to feel and understand anything completely until the stage passes. This stage is the most troublesome for those who have to watch over me and talk to me to make sure I'm ok.

Overall, the three stages last for a good three hours; half an hour just dedicated to the first stage, the next hour and a half is for the second one and the last hour is left for my mind of absolute blackness. The whole process is painful to the recipient - myself - and the caretakers - anyone round -, so that is the reason why I don't go into fights if I know someone else fighting can make the same outcome.


My back makes another wild thrash at the ropes, and I force my head backwards. The wet towel that once covered my eyes comes tumbling off, to show me the scared and terrified faces of those around me. Edward and Alphonse have backed up against the wall as they both hold my siblings close to themselves. Winry stands reasonably close to me but far enough, so I don't hurt her, and Granny has most probably exited the room for I can no longer make out her figure.

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