"I did not consent to that," Connor says.

"See, wait... what has she done to you Alexander?" I ask stopping in my tracks.

"Anna you don't want to know..."

"Well I need to know now," I say my eyes piercing his.

"Fine, she's flirted with me, sat on my lap without me agreeing while I'm mid conversation, she's kissed my face a couple times, she hugs me randomly, you'd think we are dating. Except she's the only one who's dating," Alexander says.

I'm fuming now, no one does that to my little brother. (Well twin brother but I'm older)

I storm into the precinct, ignoring Alexander's pleas to not confront Clarity.

I enter the precinct with a bang, everyone's eyes shooting directly to me as I storm in and walk right up to Clarity.

"Clarity Reed! You fucking flirted with my brother and best friend, without their consent who the fuck do you think you are?! The mother fucking queen? I'd hate to inform you but you are in fact the opposite honey, so you either stop that disgusting shit or you get the fuck out of my precinct," I shout in Clarity's face.

"They did consent! They didn't stop me!" Clarity says innocently.

"Bitch, that isn't fucking consent," I say really getting in Clarity's face.

Gavin pushes my shoulders and I stumble backwards, Connor catching me quickly.

"Gavin what the fuck!" I shout.

"No one shouts at my baby sister without getting shit from me!" Gavin shouts standing in front of his sister.

"Gavin, you're just as fucking bad, the only reason I'm not picking a fight with you is because I value my job too much," I whisper before pushing a finger into Gavin's chest hard.

I walk away back to my desk and hide my face, totally embarrassed.

Alexander sits on my desk next to me and starts to speak.

"Hey, I have to go home and get a real job but I'll see you soon okay?" Alexander says.

"Okay, I'll see you soon Xander," I say hugging Alexander before he leaves.


"Lieutenant Jane?" I hear a familiar voice ask me.

It's the end of the day and everyone has gone home, except for Connor and I.

"Yeah Connor RK800?" I say with a giggle.

"What's your actual real name?"


"Your real first and last name, I know it's not Anna Jane, that's a nickname, I saw the way you react to certain things, especially at the crime scene of the AX350," Connor says.

Connor sits on the corner of my desk and listens to what I have to say.

No one knows my real name apart from Hank and Captain Fowler but neither of them use it, well on the odd occasion they do.

"Look at my files in the file room," I say.

Connor gets up and I follow him to the file room where he scans the room in search for my file.

"I-I don't see it here Anna," Connor says softly.

I place a hand on Connor's shoulder and walk past him, straight to the last name's beginning with R, I find my name immediately.

I return to Connor and hand it to him

Adriana Jane Richards.
Nationality: Australian/New Zealand
Height: 1.68 metres.
Birthdate: 11th August 2011.
Age at enrolment: 20
Rank: Junior Police Officer.
Case investigator: Homocide/Android's
Partner(s): Lieutenant Hank Anderson.
Adriana has recently enrolled at Detroit Police Department, making her the youngest recruitment. She has lived in Australia most of her life but recently has moved to Detroit to work with our state of the art police precinct. She has a twin brother Alexander, her mother's name is Kathrine Jones (recently divorced to Jason Richards). Adriana's father is Jason Richards, a well know lieutenant who recently resigned as his daughter joined, he resigned in hopes his daughter would take his place. At the precinct we certainly hope Adriana follows her fathers footsteps.

Connor stops reading and looks at me, I'm looking down at the ground, afraid of Connor's reaction, but he doesn't react, he just hugs me.

"Anna I'm so sorry, I understand why you didn't tell me sooner," Connor says into my hair.

"I don't know whether I should be proud that I followed my fathers footsteps anymore, especially not after what he did to those androids," I say quietly.

"Let's not think about that right now shall we?" Connor says.



Here we go, the new chapter!

Also thanks for 300 reads!!!! 

Arrow xoxo

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