Chapter 3- Finally

Start from the beginning

I was alarmed and went hiding on a corner of it

For a moment I can hear his deep sighs before freely walking away

I wanted myself to rush inside the room and give Tiffany a hug to comfort her

Yet, it's pulling me back
And just hide again.

Why can't I?

"Hey! Are you waiting for somebody there?" My heart leaped in surprise and realized that it was Kai standing in front of me

Kai laughed hysterically as my eyebrows creased in confusion

After a few minutes, he suddenly kept silent and gave me a thumbs up to say "I'm okay. I won't laugh"

"Uh.. Why are you here?"

"That should be my second question. Why are you also here?" I rolled my eyes at him (lol) as I coughed fakely to narrow down the awkwardness

"The practice room is empty, I'm just uh.. Waiting for it to get occupied."

"Well, aren't you just scared like a baby."

"You'll regret this later."

"And how will you do that hyung?"

He gave me a sheepishly grin as I bluntly smiled at him

"Well, oh well! Look at the time, we sure are going to get another punishment for this."

His eyes grew wide as he looked at the time on his handphone

"Aren't you a nasty player hyung?"

"It's you who made me do this."

We stood there in silence for a minute before giggles and laughters had started to surround us

I opened the door rushedly and went inside the practice room.

Just the right time when Tiffany was already in front of me

"Why are you two late?" We felt ourselves panicking for a moment

"I didn't set my alarm right. Sorry."

"I got locked up in a room?"

I facepalmed and just realize how dumb was his excuse was.

But, Tiffany had just started to walk away from us.

We both looked at each other and shrugged while just thinking the same thing on our mind.

No Punishement today?

"LUHAN! KAI!" Tiffany screamed as webgit alarmed to stand within our position

The music had started playing again..

Here we go again.


"Everybody had a good job today! Hope you all can be the best idol stars from onwards. You may now have your break"

All of my members cheered in excitement and some of the members went out of the practice room already..

I sat on the edge of the room and rested my head on the wall

At last
I can rest now.

I was about to catch my sleep when I felt a cold bottle placed on my forehead.

I opened my eyes..

"Drink some water first will you?" Tiffany was shaking the water bottle.

I took hers

"Hey! That's mine-"

"I don't drink water that's been shaken. I don't want my stomache hurting because of it." Tiffany nodded

I drank Tiffany's water and half of it was spared.
I gave it to her

"It's yours now, you drank it already." Tiffany looked at me and she just suddenly placed her thumb at my lower lip..

It's so warm..
This is not right.

"There's a drop on your lower lip. So--"

I just suddenly pulled her hand down

"I know. You don't have to do that."

I stood up and started to walk away..

What's this stupid feeling that's making me let go of her? Tss!


I went straight to the exit and saw someone standing near the door.

I looked at him in curiosity..


The guy looked at me and just so surprised to see who it was

"Luhan, finally we met."

It was the boss.

♦♦♦ Author's Note ♦♦♦

Sorry for the late update of my story!
Here's the next chapter! Hope you enjoyed it~

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