Roc royal

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•it was 9:30 at night and your daughter the age of 3;Summer was still up past her bedtime and to top it off chres wasnt home from work yet•
Mia:lil girl if you dont get your butt in the bed your gonna get a whoopin!
Summer:i wan daddy!*stomps her feet crying bloody murder*
Mia:daddy isnt home yet ok so go to bed and in the morning hes gonna be here...ok?
Summer:no i wan daddy now!!*crosses her arms*
Mia:Summer go get your butt in that bed you got 5 seconds!!!!*walking into you & chres' room going to the closet*
Summer:i dont wanna go to bed
Mia:*walk back out with the belt*now didnt i tell your ass to get in the bed?
Mia:now go get in the bed before you get beat
Summer:its scary in my room mommy i no sweep in dere*crying*
Mia:*gives up& picks summer up*come on you can sleep with mommy stop crying im sorry*kisses her cheek*
Summer:i sorwy mommy i lud you
Mia:*holds summer laying down*now go to bed girl

-hours later-
Chresanto's Pov
I got had to stay in the office longer than i expected so now i knew Mia was gonna be mad since i didnt text or call her but anyways i got in the house made sure the door was locked and went upstairs before i went into mia & I's bedroom i turned on the halle light and cracked the door open to see if she was sleepand to my surprise our beautiful babygirl was sleeping with her so i turned off the light and went into our master bathroom and took a quick little shower when i got out and opened the door our bedroom light was on so i was guessing Mia was up.

Mia:hey baby*kisses his cheek*
Chres:wassup wheres summer
Mia:in her bed your daughter is something else *smh*
Chres:what happened this time*pulls mia and lays down on the king sized bed*
Mia:i picked her up from your mom at like 5 since your sisters kids where there to play with her and we got chipotle and came home & ate then i gave her a bath and let her watch tv until her bedtime(7:30) and when it was time to go to bed she through a fit! She was yelling and crying for no reason babe i was really gonna whoop her but then she did her little baby face and was like "mommy its scary in my room i no sweep in dere" so i just gave up and let her sleep in here and now were here up at 12 in the morning...where have you been?*looks up at him*
Chres:damn and work babe you know my boss liked to work the hell outta me*kisses her forehead*
Mia:well next time call or text bcause i was starting to get worried
Chres:what you gettin worried for you see how built i am girl*smirks showing off his muscles*
Mia:yes baby i do see but you never know*kisses his lips*night chres
Chres:morning Mia
Mia:shut up and go to sleep

The end
I didnt know where i was going with this one😂😂im like half awake so...hope you enjoyed😘

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