Chapter 2 - Tuesday

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"How? Do you want me to go there so you can punch me in the face?" Ming asked jokingly.

"I will not be able to go back to sleep now. Pick me up in 30 minutes. I'll message you my address." Kit said and the line was cut off.


Ming drove to the address given by Kit. He is just in time seeing Kit coming out of the dorm building. He pulls over the dorm entrance where Kit was standing holding his phone maybe about to call him.

"Good morning P." Ming greeted as Kit got inside the car. "Sorry for waking you up. Please don't be mad."

Kit just glared at him. "Drive to the university. I'll nap. Wake me up once we're there." Then he got comfortable on his seat, leaned on the window and closed his eyes.

Ming was left surprise still looking at Kit. 'I'll remember not to get on his bad side again.' He thought. Others may find this weird but he really find Kit actions adorably cute. He's like a spoiled brat that didn't get what he wants.

Ming smiled. He can't help but look at Kit. He is beautiful. He has fair complexion highlighting more his red brown hair. He got long lashes and perfectly shape nose.

"Stop staring, Ming. Or we'll not be able get to school alive." Ming thoughts was interrupted when Kit suddenly speak.

Feeling embarrassed he returned his eyes on the road but the smile remain on his face.

Ming parked his car first before waking up Kit. Ming does not have an idea where they are going until he spotted the familiar door of the media lab. 'Is this his revenge?' Ming couldn't help but laugh.

"This is your revenge?" He amusingly asked Kit.

"This is a part of it." Kit irritatingly looked at Ming. "I'll get my full revenge later." Kit now teasingly smiled at him then entered the media lab.

True to his word Kit got his revenge while inside the lab. If a while ago Ming told his self to remember not to get on Kit's bad side now he promised to never get on Kit's bad side. Editing videos so early in the morning is bad but having Kit seating behind you blatantly glaring at you while you work is worst of worst. He never felt so happy when the clock strikes nine.

They went outside the building to look for something to eat before Ming's class start at ten.

"That was fun." Kit is laughing while walking beside Ming.

"I know now P. You may look like an angel but you're a devil in disguise." Ming concluded. And they both laughed.


Ming's class had ended. Kit still has one more subject. He drove both of them to school this morning so he planned to wait on Kit so he can drive him home. He sent a message to Kit that he will be on the media lab.

An hour later, Kit knocked on the media lab picking up Ming. They waved goodbye to Lam and went out to go home.

"Do you want to eat, P?" Ming asked Kit who is looking so sleepy beside him.

"Are you not tired or sleepy?" Kit asked while yawning out loud.

"I am. But I want to spend more time with P'Kit." Ming smiled at Kit. They are now walking on the parking lot.

Kit stopped walking. He looked at Ming. "Are we dating?"

"Yes,P." Ming answered.

"Let's go out then." He hurriedly walked to Ming's car. "And I need to make use of my days wisely. It's already Tuesday."

Ming didn't like what he heard from Kit. 'Is he not serious about this?' He got in the driver's seat and started the car. Kit is talking about a new Café he saw being advertised on the television and wants to try it. He talked until they arrived at the said Café. 'I need to tell him that I'm serious about this.' Ming thoughts are now in haywire. 'If he's not serious about this, I need to break up with him now.' Ming just noticed that Kit already ordered for them. Kit chose a table on far corner of the Café quite isolated from the other table.

"Hey." Kit called his attention. "Is there something wrong? You've been unusually quiet." Kit asked looking at him seriously. "If there's something you do not like you have to tell me." There is a hint of anger on his tone.

"You do not like when people just go with your way?" Ming asked.

Kit nodded. "I hate it". Then he looked at Ming in the eyes. "What the point of going out together when one of us is not enjoying."

Ming realized nothing is simple when it comes to Kit but he also realized that Kit is straight forward and will not keep Ming in the dark. "Then after eating can we check if there is a good movie?" Ming asked now smiling.

"No problem." Kit smiled at Ming then start eating his food. He keeps commenting on each food he ordered. Ming let Kit talked and was contented watching Kit. He barely touched his food as he find it harder and harder to look away from Kit.


These boys got it bad. And it is just day two.

I thought writing with a ready plot was easier but I got it wrong. I want to be faithful as much as possible to the story but my imagination is not letting me. 😂

Anyway, can we just pause for a moment to appreciate how handsome Kimmon looks on this pic.

Anyway, can we just pause for a moment to appreciate how handsome Kimmon looks on this pic

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

I love KimCop with all my heart but Kimmon is really my bias! 😳

I really love this photo shoot. I dunno but Kimmon seems so different on the pics of this photo shoot. I always thought he doesn't know how to project in front of the camera that's why I love the candid pics by the fans more than the pics done on studio. But this photo shoot rocks! 👊

Sorry for taking your time with my babbling.

I hope everyone is enjoying reading this as much as I enjoy writing this.

Thank you so much for reading. 🙏

MingKit - Seven DaysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora