Interlude {2}

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"Mam, ASR will skin me alive if he come to know this" Aman said in a soft whisper. Anjali raised her eyes from the file.

"You're saying this from past twenty minutes Aman, don't you think you should change the phrase"

"I don't know what sin I did in my previous birth to get this type of treatment from this siblings" He muttered under his breath.

"So this is why chotte didn't hand him over the police"

Her bare whisper caught his attention. He looked at her, who  fixated her eyes on the file. He peeped in from his place. The name Avinash Malik was written opposite to prime manipulator.

"No mam. ASR doesn't know his involvement. PI submitted the report just a while. I was going to give him a call, but you called. Without solid proofs, there are more chances Shyam gets bail so ASR ordered us to keep him in our custody until our PI collects evidence against him. And... your chachu purposely sent Shyam into your lives. He is not only greed for money but also... had his eyes set on your... mother. Well, from the start he's against your father and mother's marriage. But your father was adamant on marrying your mother. Your father and dadi knows this fact, so they sent him abroad. For years they kept him there. But at one point your chachu confided that he forgot your mother and was ready to move on. Trusting him they allowed him to roam around sheesha Mahal. But the truth was altogether. His like turned into obsession and it increased by years. Slowly he started to corrupt your father's perfect life. He made your father a drug addict so that your mother will leave him and he can have his chance with her. Once your father fully into all bad habits he took next step.. he made your father to cheat on your mother. It continued for years which we don't have track of records. We couldn't gather few things but we suspect your mother comes to know about your chacha deeds on your marriage day and they both have fight which leads to open all your father deeds which he did under the influence of his brother. Further digging into this, we found that your mother shot herself to save her dignity from Avinash Malik.

Avinash Malik quench on your mother died along with her body. But his ego didn't. His anger directed to your mother. He vowed himself to destroy she love the most, that's you and ASR. So he thrown you both out from sheesha Mahal and kept his sources following you. He wanted to see you both suffer in turn your mother soul will cry without peace. But then Raizada's entry in your lives did startled him. He devised a plan to destroy... you first, since you're at perfect age for marriage he sent Shyam in your lives. He was aware of ASR rise. He was waiting for the perfect time to strike. He wanted to see you both broken beyond repair. The more happiness, the more pain it'll gives when it crushes down. That's what he wanted.  Everything was perfect until Khushi Gupta entry. ASR and Shyam both fell for her. Avinash Malik was happy. All the loose ends tied. Plan made. But that's when qualms started between Avinash Malik and Shyam. Avinash Malik only aim was to break you both but Shyam has other plans. His eyes turned towards Khushi and ASR wealth. Without Avinash Malik knowledge he planned to kill you and he tried few times... And then you know this time ASR come in between and his truth was out...."

Aman finished regretfully seeing the non-stop tears from Anjali.

"Please don't cry mam. You both are safe now. Avinash Malik died yesterday"


"He died in accident while coming here to stop Aakash sir wedding"

Anjali gasped in shock. Her whole world feels like a maze. All these years they kept some unknown lady for her mother suicide but in reality it was her father's brother. He was the sole reason for all the mishap happened in their lives. She closed her eyes in tired. Yesterday her life was so perfect like a fairy tale, but today the truth was glaring at her face. All these years they're living in an illusion.

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