Hard Case to Crack

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   Friday June 22: This was any ordinary night, i'm sitting in my office ready to call it a night when I hear a knock on the door. Before I have time to answer it, it swings open. An officer tells me that a body just showed up on 23rd and Main and the captain wants me down there. Just my luck, when I think i'm about to go home I get called in. I grab my coat and head over to the scene. When I arrive I see where they have a section surrounding a wall closed off with police caution tape, I duck under the tape to get a better look. As I get closer I notice I don't see a body, I then step on something that breaks under my foot, it's hard and white, almost like a large sharp piece of porcelain glass, and it's covered in some kind of gooey substance. Now I see these goo covered pieces are everywhere, some lying in empty clothes. I soon realized that what im stepping on is not glass, it's eggshells, giant eggshells. It hit me that I was looking at a body, all of the scattered pieces of eggshell were the body.

 I walk over to one of the crime scene investigators to get an idea of what's going on. She informs me that our victim's name is Humphrey Donley, know in most circles as Humpty Dumpty, the Egg man. She then goes on to say "He was out at about a quarter to 10:00 then stopped to climb on top of a wall that surrounded a residential area, probably trying to get away from an attacker, and fell to his death." Apparently some civilians called it in when they found his body, or at least whatever was left of it. I then asked her why my presence was necessary, considering he could have simply fell, she then said it is believed to be a murder. She says that from the height of the wall he shouldn't  have shattered the way he did, and she noticed that on one piece of eggshell there is a hole the size of a dime, where it appears as if something with a great amount of force penetrated his shell first and then caused the fall.

   In all my time in Tailridge I've only ever heard stories of the Egg man, he was a prominent member of the Collective. Normally they only allow individuals with special abilities into the Collective, Donley didn't have any though. What he lacked in powers I've heard he made up for in brutality. Rumor has it that if you were one of his victims he would make you watch while he cut up the bodies of your family members and force fed them to you. But then again I never listen to rumors. After finding out who the victim was I knew this could be my first chance to put a stop to the Collective before they can do anymore damage the city, once and for all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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