to do list // kuroo tetsurou

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y/n was scrolling through their phone as they walked home from school, looking at their notes.

"to do," they read outloud. "go grocery shopping... done with that. finish math homework, finished that as well. kiss a goat... i don't think yesterday counts. get married one day... that's a work in progress. remember that thing." you frowned, looking up and letting out a sigh. "what thing? what did i forget?" y/n mumbled to themselves, so distracted by their confusion they walked directly into someone.

"oh, hey y/n." you looked up at kuroo tetsurou and blushed madly.

"h-hi, kuroo-kun." you whispered shyly, rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet. "baka..." y/n said even softer.

"huh?" kuroo asked.

"nothing." y/n spoke quickly. they continued walking, and kuroo fell into step beside you. he just nodded, and y/n looked back at their notes for a moment before speaking again.

"hey, did i tell you to remind me of something?" you questioned. kuroo got a questioning look on his face, and scratched the back of his neck.

"hm... maybe? let me think for a second." they walked in silence for a moment. "nope, i don't remember it."

y/n nodded slowly, then gasped as you got an idea. "i know! i'll read you the rest of my to do list, because i'm sure i must have told you some of it. maybe it will help you to get your memory running."

kuroo smiled fondly at y/n as they looked at the phone. "alright, let's give it a shot." he agreed.

y/n repeated what they had already read to themselves, then looked up at kuroo. when he gave you a shrug, you continued.

"alright... talk to kuroo. oh, i'm doing that now! eat dinner... i will later. identify every shade of white that i can find... still working on that, but i'm making progress. pump up bike tires, which i know i can get my dad to do tomorrow, don't know why that's still on the list..." typing furiously, y/n wrote their comments next to each bullet point. "oh! i nearly forgot about this-- fit an entire watermelon in my mouth." you scrunched up your nose as you thought. "i don't think i accomplished that outside of my dreams."

kuroo was crying as he tried to hold back his laughter, both amused and extremely concerned. "i can't say this has really helped me remember anything." he chuckled as he wiped his tears.

y/n frowned with a heavy sigh and turned off their phone. "well, the watermelon thing was the last one on the list for today. i guess i just won't remember."

the pair stopped in front of y/n's house as they shoved their phone in their pocket. you felt slightly defeated, but decided that if what they forgot was important they definitely would have remembered it by now.

"thanks for helping me out, sexy." y/n smiled kindly at their friend. kuroo blushed slightly and nodded.

"no problem, y/n." he paused, looking nervous. his tongue flicked out over his lips for a split second before he spoke again. "hey, can i tell you something?"

"sure." you nodded, slightly nervous as well. y/n felt hope building in you-- maybe he finally remembered?

"look, i'm just going to be honest here." kuroo smiled anxiously. "i really, really like you."

"oh." you smiled, trying to hide your disappointment when y/n realized that kuroo hadn't remembered. y/n went to continue speaking, but suddenly turned their head when they heard a bell. a young kid came flying down the sidewalk on a bicycle, causing y/n to stumble into kuroo. they fell, kuroo landing on top of you, hands braced next to your head.

"oh no, i'm sorry for stumbling into you, kuroo." you frowned, not making any move to stand.

"i-- it's no problem, y/n." kuroo struggled with his words for a moment, cheeks flushed. he paused, then took a deep breath. "you didn't... my confession... do you like me back?" he finally blurted.

y/n blinked slowly, then gasped suddenly. you jerked up, then groaned loudly as you knocked heads with kuroo. he somehow managed to remain hovering above you, balanced on one hand as he used the other to rub at his head. "y/n, what was that for?"

"i remembered!" y/n exclaimed. "the thing on my to do list was to kiss you! silly me, i can't believe i forgot."

"seriously?" kuroo's jaw dropped.

you nodded. "yeah! i remembered because you were trying to look at my phone, and so i made the thing vague so you wouldn't read it." y/n blushed.

"so... you like me?" kuroo asked after a moment, looking confused.

y/n looked away, color rising in their cheeks. "はい (hai)" [author's note: i left this translated as japanese because this affirmative statements holds so much power and grace that i couldn't bear to translate it. y/n is so passionate that they cannot simply just say 'yes' and have that be that. this japanese statement is so moving i couldn't stand to edit the pure beauty of it]

kuroo grinned widely, laughing to himself. his head lolled forwards, and his breath fanned over y/n's face in a manner that, while it wasn't exactly the most charming thing, wasn't grotesque either. "i'm gonna kiss you." he declared.

y/n reached up to grab his cheeks, and swiftly pulled him downwards.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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