Chapter 1: Aftermath

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So this is the rewritten version of my current Home Is Where The Heart(h) Is. Without spoiling anything, I hope you enjoy this monster of a chapter. I hope I can sustain this length throughout, and hopefully the planning I've put into this is sufficient.

And also apparently that story is #1 on perstia? That's kind of insane, yet not that much since there's only 14 under that tag. But it's still cool, so thanks.



"No?" Zeus growled. "We do not give this opportunity to anyone. You would refuse our generous offer?"

Anyone. That referred to the hundreds of demigods, healthy or injured, that stood in the throne room along with Percy. That referred to the many bodies of the dead that littered the streets of New York. It talked about Ethan Nakamura, who made his last choice and died a hero, not a traitor of Olympus, or Silena Beauregard, who charged into battle to defend her friends, redeeming her from her past actions. Most of all, the common title applied to Luke Castellan, the hero of the Great Prophecy, who died to bring Kronos down, making the ultimate sacrifice.

Were these people anyone? It seemed like such an insult. While Percy was alive from the blessing of the Styx, they were as mortal and vulnerable as any other demigod, and yet the courage displayed rivalled his.

The term was shallow. Each and everyone of the people who fought for Olympus was as heroic as he. And yet he was the only one given the choice to ascend.

He knew what he wanted. Luke's last words sealed his decision.


There was a quick exchange of glances between the Olympians. Poseidon spoke up, "Perseus, you understand what you're giving up?"

"Yes, and I have other requests I would like to put forth, but I need the council to swear on the Styx first."

"What?" Ares bellowed. "You don't trust us?"

"Someone once told me." Percy looked at Hades meaningfully, "That you should always get a binding oath."

Hades grinned.

Zeus' brow twitched. "Very well. You may speak them."

"I wish that all gods claim their children by the time they become of age."

Murmuring broke out within the crowd behind him. The gods fidgeted in their seats. He pressed further.

"Kronos couldn't have rose to power if not for the demigods that joined his side. The ones that felt alone and unloved by their godly parent, because they never knew about that side of them. Next, the minor gods should be pardoned —"

"That is not your decision —" Zeus cut in, his tone loudening.

"As well as given a cabin at camp for their children. Hades, too." Percy interrupted coolly.

Hades raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.

"Next, no more oath of the Big Three. That wasn't working out anyway."

Static paralyzed the air. Three requests, he had brought forth. He was amazed he hadn't been rejected or blasted to ashes. He could feel the stares of the people behind him prickling his skin.

"Anything else?" Zeus' tone was dangerous.

"That's all."

The gods were silent before Athena said, "The boy is right."

All eyes turned to her. "Really, Athena? You're defending him?" Apollo said with a hint of incredulity.

"I am the wisdom goddess. We must change. We allowed Kronos to almost win because of our negligence. This cannot happen again."

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