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At the moment, Ana was looking at her own reflection in the mirror. She knew it was still early, but had gotten out of bed anyway.

'What time was it?' she wondered, and threw a quick glance at the clock on the wall.

"Crap! So early..." were the words that tumbled from her pink lips.

It was 4:48 AM to be exact, however she was wide awake, and unable to sleep again. The night before, she had been tossing and turning, thinking about everything that she'd been through and what lay ahead of her.

While watching every inch of her own face, and thinking about her past, a huge lump had formed in her throat.

Her wedding dress was beautiful and everything else was perfect.

Perfect and neat, just like her fiance. Yup, today was the big day. Ana was going to get married today...

Her husband to be was a good man and he made her happy.

But was she though? Was she... happy?

"Yes, I am" Ana tried to convince herself, but was failing miserably.

If she was happy, then why in the hell couldn't she stop thinking about someone else?

As a sigh escaped her lips, she got up from her chair and pulled a shoebox out under her bed. As the small object glided on her finger, she decided to move on from him, so she put it back where it had been for years now.

Could she though? Could she move on without him?

He was the one who had asked her to leave! He was the one who gave up on the two of them! Not the other way around... She had cried enough tears for him to last a lifetime.

Ana tried to hold herself together, but it was so fucking hard.

While attempting to convince herself that she indeed was able to move on from him, Ana said aloud." Jeremy is a good man and I love him. He is my future, and Christian is my past..."

While a tear escaped her eye, she grabbed Christian's note, the last thing she ever received from him. As her mind brought her back in time, Ana felt her heart bleed all over again.

Every. single. time.

And even though it's been years ago, it still hurt like hell, the pain so gut-wrenching and unbearable. How long has it been since she had seen him last?

Four years, eleven months, three weeks and five days to be exact.

While mentally slapping herself, Ana grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom. As she looked out the huge window, she noticed that it was still dark outside. It was too early for a bath, but she needed it right now.

So, Ana got her bathtub ready and sank carefully into it. The warm water and sweet aroma, was slowly relaxing her body and mind. However, her hands were shaking at the moment.

Why? Because she couldn't help but think of him and her together in a bathtub...

Him who? Well, Christian of course.

Fuck! Why can't she get over him?!

Even though she hadn't seen or heard from him in a very long time, he still had this effect on her. He used to be the man she loved unconditionally, the man she wanted to be with for the rest of her life. However, that was then. The past...

Can she not get that through her thick, stubborn head?!

He was then, and Jeremy is the now.

Her husband-to-be knew she and Christian were an item in the past, but Ana refused to tell him about it.

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