Their song

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He shouldn't. No, he shouldn't. But her lips looked so soft and pink... and inviting... also so very tempting.

No, he most definitely. should. not...

Ana was so close to Christian, making his head spin deliciously. She waited for him to make a move.

It was all up to him now. Ana pulled back a bit to lock eyes with him, and waited patiently.

- Flashback-

Early in the morning, before she drove to Christian's house, Ana had called Jeremy, and told him that she had to come over to his place.

He instantly sensed that something was horribly wrong, and agreed to see her... She never called him up this early.

"Bad luck, you know. Seeing the bride before the ceremony" he had told her through the phone.

The second he had opened his apartment door for her, and had locked eyes with Ana, he knew." You're going to see him, aren't you?" Jeremy said.

Ana nodded, and whispered." I need the closure, Jeremy"

"You still love him." he simply said, his voice colder than the coldest winter." If you dare to go to his place, the wedding's off, Ana"

She looked up at him, tears pooling in her eyes." I have to do this, Jeremy... I need to do it."

"Then the wedding's off." Jeremy said, and immediately had shut the door in Ana's face.

"Jeremy, please... open the door" Ana said aloud and rang the doorbell.

He immediately opened the door, and glared at her." I knew that you never stopped loving him." he said, his eyes teary." Don't go, Ana... if you go, you and I are over... is that clear?"

It pained her so much to hurt him, but she couldn't go through with the wedding without knowing why Christian had left her 5 years ago.

"I'm so sorry" She said, while tears pooled in her blue eyes." I have to do this, Jeremy. If I don't, I won't be able to move on with my life"

Ana then turned on her heels, and was already walking away, but then Jeremy followed her, and grabbed her by her wrist." Please, Ana... do not throw away what you and I have." he pleaded.

She closed her eyes for a moment, and shook her head." You deserve someone who loves you, Jeremy...I'm so sorry that it's not me."

"What if he doesn't want you? What if he rejects you like he had, five years ago, huh?" he spat at her." Then you've lost him... and me! Can you handle that? Can you handle being alone again, Ana? Can you?"

She knew that she was taking a huge risk, but she was willing to. Ana refused to keep Jeremy as a 'spare' in case Christian rejected her.

Ana hated herself a bit for hurting Jeremy, but at least she did the right thing by him... She had told him that she planned on seeing Christian and didn't do it behind his back.

It pained her to hurt him, but at least she was being honest.

'Why couldn't I love him like I loved Christian?' Ana thought at that very moment.

" Ana, please don't do it" Jeremy begged, while a tear rolled down his cheek.

"I'm so sorry, Jeremy"

- End of flashback -

And now here she was, at Christian's place. The second he had opened the door of his study for her, Ana had no intentions to go back to Jeremy.

Unconditionallyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें