2. Stranger

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          I was delighted. But rather confused. The looks on his stunning face is so calm compared to me right now. Yes, human do grow up and change physically and mentally but still there must be some slight features that is same,  right? Even I can recognise him immediately even after 16 years.. Okay I know that I'm thicker than before but hey! I'm still the same..

        But when father introduced me to this family he just smiled sweetly and act like we never know each other before. Or this isn't the same person?.. but I have none other boy friend who name Park Jimin and have a cute crooked tooth. Then I guess it's him.. or he had an accident  before that cause him amnesia?hmm..that is one possibility.

       I never paid attention to what they're talking about. If they asked something I just nod or respond with a "yes". Nothing to cared about because all I heard is about business. I was busy staring at my lost long bff who tells like he never know me at all. I can see that sometime he took a glimpse at me probably noticed that I was staring. But I didn't mind to remove my gaze from him..like I can anyway. Who wouldn't stared at him if they have a chance? Tell me. I was not being myself at that moment. Where did the shy y/n that didn't even dare to look at man's eye gone?

      This time he glanced at me again but this time he didn't look away.. strangely so do I. We end up in a staring contest as I stared at his beautiful eyes and he stares at mine. The moment were interrupted by a fake cough by someone. I tore my eyes away from his and looked at our parents. They give a pleased smile and nodding at each other knowingly.

" I think everything will be fine" his father said as my father lightly chuckled. 

" what are you thinking while looking at each other" my mom teased. 

I cursed under my breath as I shifted my gaze at the cutlery in front of me as a slight blush crept onto my face. 

" so when can we proceed to the marriage?" his mother asked grinning. Before I can replied a voice cut me "how about next month?" my mother beamed. A gasp left my mouth as I looked at my mother with large eyes.

What?! Next month?! no way, that's too soon!! But what shocked me the most is that all I received is a nod from all of them. Like what?! I looked at Jimin with a pleading face hoping that he may say something to disapprove my mom's suggestion but he speak no word and just smile at me to my shock. He really wants to marry me or what?

At last no matter what I said the marriage is still going to be held next month.  I glared at my mom. Thanks for the time mom!! Note the sarcasm. 


        Time flew by quickly to my dismay and just in a few more hours I'm going to get married. If you ask me about him really I'm telling you I don't know a tiniest bit bout him. Somehow I forgot to take his number when we bid goodbye the last time we met. 

I felt like almost everyday I've got a plead (most from my mom)  to meet him. But I refused. Constantly in this month I got a visit from Mr and Mrs Park but never their son. 

I wonder what he's doing these days. I have a ton of questions for him such as where he'd gone, what his job, how he's doing for all those past years since I last saw him...does he have a girlfriend or not. I decided to asked him when we declared as husband and wife. 

We're living in his house anyway. That's what my mom said. Not that I'm complaining though.I have an experience living alone so that's not gonna be a problem. She informed me too that right after the wedding ceremony I'm going to moved to his house. 

There's a knock on my door and my sister came inside. She strolled beside me and  watched my reflection on the mirror. " you looked great, sister" she beamed. "I don't expect you to marry before me" "yeah,  that's mean you're old enough " I snickered at her. "what?! Excuse me, I'm not old Okay? " she rolled her eyes playfully.

My door creaked open as my brother came into view "Huhu...my sister's gonna get married. She'll leave us" he faked a sob and side hugged my sister. "ugh, don't be a drama queen here please" I stated with a giggle. "what, I'm serious here you know" he exclaimed. We continued arguing until a voice stopped us. 

"What are you still chatting there,  we have a wedding to attend. Now hurry! " mom yelled from downstairs. " Oops, let's go before the lioness appeared, if she is then we're dead!" Seongwoo said and making a gesture like moving a knife along his neck causing us three to laugh. 


After the wedding I said thanks to all my friends and family members who came as he did the same to his. I noticed my friends wiggling their eyebrows and smile knowingly if you know what I mean. Those kid...  I showed them my fist as a warning to not thinking something  and earn laughter from them.

"y/n" a voice disrupt me from them and turn to the owner which is the strikingly handsome Park Jimin . "yes? " my eyebrows raised "let's go.. to our house" he said before turning away and walked outside. I feel like a butterfly flying delicately in my stomach at the word 'our house' , but I shrugged it off. I bid my last goodbye to all of my family and friends before following him. I fastened my pace to walk by him. Soon we arrived at a  fancy car. My eye bulge at the sight. It would've take me years to have this kind of car. I don't know the car name as I don't have an interest in car. But I'm sure it really expensive.

 He drove silently passing other car

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

 He drove silently passing other car. The ride was again silent. But I'm glad that this time, I'm not awkward with a stranger but my own husband cause it could've been worse.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 23, 2018 ⏰

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