Chapter Three

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Apollo, the god of the light, sun, and knowledge

         Apollo frowned from his place in the center of the training room.

'Why would they bring in outsiders?' His green eyed gaze lingered on the two mercenaries, one chroma and orange, the other grey and green. 'And why did they get paired up with her?' Artemis stood in the middle of the pair, a neutral expression on her face as she looked between them.

'Artemis wanted me to let you know that she pulled the file on the two of them and that you can feel free to get a copy from her.' Apollo jumped, looking down at the blue eyed A.I. before him.

'Perseus,' he felt a smile bubble to the surface, having always had a soft spot for Arts sassy A.I. Said A.I. glanced over his shoulder at his partner, making sure she wasn't watching or listening before he turned back to Apollo.

'She might not say it, but she's happy that you're on this mission. She knows you won't let anything happen to Athena,' he looked up, hoping to meet her violet gaze only to find her electric blue visor staring back at him.

'Right,' he mused, looking down to find that Perseus had left, taking a place floating around the trio across the room. Artemis forced herself to not sigh out loud, Perseus floating around and making small talk with the two mercenaries around them.

      "So whats earth like? Do you have any family or friends? What made you interested in killing people? Was it the money or the thrill? You seem thrill focused," he looked to locus, then Felix "but you seem money hungry. Am I right?" Artemis swatted at the small man, a huff of irritation leaving his lips before he vanished.

       "Sorry, he's a curious little thing," she mused, reaching up to run her hand through her hair, only for her fingertips to brush against her helmet. 'Smooth Arty,' Perseus teased, a ghost of a smile spreading across her lips. 'Oh shut your sassy face right now,' his soft laughter fluttered through her mind, a content sigh leaving her lips before she allowed her attention to focus back on the men before her.

        "I do like money," Felix muttered, his dark visor turning to her. "Not that I'm particularly money hungry or anything. I just want to be able to buy a billboard sized tv when I retire."

'That will not be good for his eyes.' She laughed out loud at the absurdity of both men's comments, Felix tilting his head in curiosity.

     "Is he shit talking?"

      "He said a tv that big wouldn't be good for your eyes," she tapped his visor lightly for emphasis before her body froze. She had told herself she would be harder and meaner and here she was playing around with the hired help.

       "Why would I care? I'll be retired, plus, Locus here would take care of me. Wouldn't you buddy?" Locus groaned in annoyance, looking away from the idiot and the princess.

      "That's not happening," Artemis giggled at his complete dismissal and Felix's shoulders slumping.

      "That's not what you said when you were drunk," Locus sighed before shaking his head.

      "We are not having this conversation in front of her," Artemis held up her hands with a smirk.

      "Hey now, don't let me interrupt your lovers quarrel. It's offering some great entertainment for Pear bear and I."

       "It's not a lovers quarrel!" Felix squeaked causing both partners of his to laugh. "Why are you laughing? She just said we're together!"

      "With how much you whine, I'm not surprised someone would think we're involved." Locus felt a small smile twitch across his lips at the laughing young woman, her head shaking as Felix grumbled angrily to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2019 ⏰

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