The Hostage?!

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Last Time On  The Purple King: 

Atsumi lifted the woman on her shoulders as she walked away. She was not turning around to walk with her clansmen, she merely trekked forward. The blue king and clansmen were all confused but, when they turned their heads to look at the other clansmen's reaction they were gone.

Their attention had only been focused on the other king that they didn't realize that they had left.

The blue king smirked at the situation and went against his nature. He ordered his clansmen to not go after the other clan or king and to return to their headquarters, Sceptor 4.

Everyone was leaving as the Blue King looked at the sunset on the horizon. He smirked as he thought, ' It seems that I have found another formidable opponent. And I doubt that it would be a long time before I see them again.'

No One's POV:

To avoid even more exposure the purple clan disburse. They get to the bakery by going through alleyways. They are all in relief, they didn't have to fight the blue clan. Even Naomi, the troublemaker, was in relief. 

They all arrived at the bakery at asynchronous times. The first to arrive was Chieko and Aya. The second pair were Hiroki and Etsuko. The third to arrive was Atsumi and the woman. Naomi didn't show up until much later. 

They closed the blinds of the bakery and tied the lady up, they then put her into a separate room in the house part of their building. No one knew what to do, they had a woman tied up. They had a hostage! No one knew where this hostage problem would lead them, and that scared some of them. However, they knew what had to be done. 

Naomi POV:

'Man, screw this. Tsk..'  Naomi looks up at the bright stars in the night sky. 'Why are we the ones who are hiding! We could have taken the blue clan on easily. Screw it! I'm going to go for a walk! Screw hiding!' 

Determination fills my eyes as I walk through the almost empty sidewalk. I start to clear my mind, not paying attention to where I'm going. As I start to come out of my small daze and I find out that I'm in the park. I look around and find an ice cream cart with a young woman working it. 

I make my way towards the ice cream cart when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see familiar faces, Tatara Totsuka and behind him is Yata as well. However, his face is red how strange. Tatara smiles at me warmly and says, "Can we join you Naomi-chan?" 

Atsumi's POV: 

Everyone sits around one table, no one speaks since everyone has much on their minds. I clear my throat alerting everyone that I was about to talk. "The woman who attack Aya and I is upstairs gagged and tied. She claimed that she was a king, and that she knew of our existence. How she knew, we do not know... I have done some immense thinking like all of you, and I propose that we should question her until she gives up information. Does anyone else have anything they would like to share?" 

I look at everyone's faces and they seem to think about the statement I have just made. Chieko looks up and says, "What will happen after? We have her as a hostage upstairs, if we let her go she will tell someone about what happened! We can't let that happen, we are already in way too deep by taking her here. My king, I mean no disrespect but this is way too reckless! This woman can and will tell someone about everything that happens here tonight. That would compromise our existence, safety, and our home.. the bakery!" 

I soak in what Chieko says, and it's true. She will run her mouth off to someone then we will all be hunted by the blue clan, that's something that we cannot afford during these times. Hiroki looks at me, "My king, I agree with Chieko. This will endanger us, we must be smart about this. Is there any way to erase her memories after the questioning? Chieko can you erase her memories with your strain powers?" 

Chieko shakes her head. "No, that's not something I can do. I apologize." 

Atsumi also shakes her head.  "Don't apologize, you have made a good point. Can anyone here somehow erase her memories?"

Etsuko looks at everyone at the table with an evil glint in her eye and a frown. "Tsk, I can do to." Everyone but Atsumi looks at her shocked. 

Chieko looks at Etsuko wide-eyed. "Are you sure? How would you do it?" Everyone knew Etsuko rarely shows any emotion but annoyance. 

Etsuko smirks, "Retrograde amnesia, that's how. I'll hit that lady hard on the head, hard enough to cause brain trauma. Specifically the thalamus, that's where the emotions and memories are. If I hit her in the correct spot with the correct amount of force, she will hopefully lose her memories of this event." 

At this point everyone is shocked. Etsuko hasn't said this many words ever! She only ever mutters a 'tsk' here or there. Although Atsumi doesn't show it, she is also shocked. 

Hikaru stares at her in shock, "How do you know all this? No one here has ever known this side of you? WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO OUR PRECIOUS LITTLE ETSUKO!" 

"Tsk.. I'm not little." Etsuko mumbles

Hikaru has a joyous expression on his face. "Aha! There you are, you know there a girl who said she was y-"

"We don't have time for this. We must all come up with a solution to this problem." I say sternly. I look around the table to see one familiar face missing. "Where is Naomi?" 

There is sudden surprise and annoyance written on their faces. However Hiroki speaks up. "It seems that she has not returned yet. Should someone go look for her?"

"Etsuko, go look for her." I say with the same sternness from before.

She 'tsks' and leaves through the back alleyway door. We all sit in silence thinking of what to do with the woman upstairs. 


Hello everyone!

I hope you like this chapter! I really enjoyed writing it! 

When I was writing this chapter I was thinking of creating a new, different book. Specifically a fanfiction for The 100. If you haven't watched that tv show then you definitely should! It is really interesting! It's on Netflix right now. 

If you want to know what my future books will be then I recommend looking at my profile. 

As always leave your feedback and predictions in the comments. 

I'm not sure what I'm going to do in the future but this is sort of a heads up of sorts. 

**In the next chapter I will change the looks of some of the character! 

**Then after I will post another chapter with their clothes. For example, mission clothes, work clothes, and casual clothes. 

See you next Sunday!


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