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After twenty minutes and six seconds, I traced the blood to a dead end. 'There's no way they could've just disappeared like that.' Shuffling things around, I gave up. Sighing, I stood up about to regroup, but stopped immediately when something dripped on my face. wiping it off with my fingers. The eerie blue of Thirium reflected the light on my fingertips. Looking up, for another drop to land on my forehead. the realization hit me. 'It never left!' I ran back shoving my clipboard in Anderson's hands, taking out my gun.
He said something after I ran, but I couldn't care less.

"Connor! Get over here!" I think he reached the same conclusion. I found him staring at the ceiling.

"Connor, crouch down!" He looked confused, but obliged.

"When I jump on your shoulder, I need you to jump up fast." He nodded, as I ran using him as leverage, being launched up. It felt as though I was just walking up stairs. Both my feet planted, whilst I was whipping my gun around.

It was really stuffy up here, I could feel the dust falling on my face. Nothing was out of the ordinary, glancing to my left I saw a figure behind a curtain. Walking towards it, it was revealed to be a mannequin, or spare body of some sort. Making my way towards the back, a figure jumped out at me causing me to fire. Although I hit his chest he didn't stop, tackling me. I grunted as I felt skin tearing under something sharp, but the adrenaline kept me focused on my target. Shoving him off, I got up.

"What the hell is going on up there?" Hank yelled.

"It's here! It's fucking h..." he pushed me towards the window, trying to get me to fall. Swiping my legs underneath him, he was on the ground trying to get away. In the shuffle, I dropped my gun. Oh well, On to the next best thing. A bat was laying around, untouched. Twirling in my hand, I stepped on the androids back. 'This guy seems to like bats.'

"No, please! I'm alive, don't turn me off!" 'Funny, that was almost believable.' The bat slammed against his arm, damaging it. Note, I did not break it, doing the same with the other. Grabbing the arms as if they were a leash.

"Get up." He looked up at me, tears falling down his face.

"Please, let me go!"


"You lost that chance when you hit me." I forced him up, grabbing my pistol in the process. We made it to the exit, him tripping over his legs the entirety of the journey.

"Oi! Heads up!" I pushed him down, causing him to fall on his stomach. Jumping in afterwards, wasting no time reclaiming my trophy. Hank, and Connor just stared in silence.

As soon as the deviant was in the van, I switched gloves. Throwing the dirty ones to the ground.

"Lt. Takashi, you shouldn't litter. There is a way to properly dispose..."

"Biodegradable." I put my helmet on, leaving the premises.

Back At The Station

I sat face to face with the deviant, hank gave up after one try. He looked down, as I stared at him. His hands, and legs were cuffed. The hands were restrained to the table, but it was useless because they might as well be noodles thanks to that convenient bat.

"Are you not gonna speak, or are you gonna sit there silently praying for mommy to get you out of this?" He didn't respond, I walked towards him jerking his face towards me.

"Look at me when I talk to you!" He shriveled up, looking to the side. I followed his eyes to my pistol.

"Ah, ah, ahhh. That's suicide, try anything. Go ahead, no... I dare you. I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your head, then it's game over. No fairies, or potions to give you a second chance." I spun the pistol in my hand sticking it back in the holster. 'This dude is really pissing me off.' I tore the mask off.

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