Chapter Three

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     The three of us made it to the lounge in silence. The tension that existed could cut through grass but Jason made no comment. He probably knew what had happened between William and I. Right before we get to the receptionist, I tell the two of them that Nate had texted and they were at the resorts club and were expecting us to meet them there. Nate and I had bought some clothes for Jason when we were planning the trip but we had not planned for William to come with us. We were lucky that Max and Natalie already had plans for the weekend and could only attend the dinner at the restaurant.

I collect our keys at the receptionist's desk and make our way to our rooms. Ali and Jason are sharing a room on the first floor and so I gave him her mini suitcase and then entered the elevator with William. We rode in silence. Nate and Leslie also had their room on the first floor, Ryan and Liam had rooms on the second floor while I had my room on the third floor. William will be occupying the room meant for Max and Natalie and it was also on the third floor. When we got to the third floor, we each made our way to our rooms without saying a word to each other.

I got to my room and took a quick shower. I quickly changed into a halter nude and blush body con dress with tiny glittery flowers designed all over it. I paired it with simple velvet touch scrappy stiletto sandals. I had planned a quiet night. I was going to go by the club and tell my friends I was beat and would like to go to bed but seeing Billy made me want to drink and dance all my troubles away.

I got to the club and i almost couldn't find my friends. Ali spotted me and waved me over. She tells me to start drinking and catch up with the rest of our friends and I happily obliged. Before long, my ears were buzzing and I was feeling like dancing. I pull Ali up from the booth we were all seated at and we began swaying to the music. Soon enough, our friends joined us on the dance floor and we were dancing and laughing with each other. I was having fun until I turned around and saw that Billy and Jason had walked in and were seated at the booth we once were. Alison excused herself and went over to drag both Billy and Jason to the dance floor.

I noticed that Billy's eyes were glued to mine as he walked from the booth to where we were dancing. He walked over to me and stood, feeding his eyes with my body. Everything slowed down and I could only see him. He held my hand in his and drew me closer. And closer. Until we stood less than an inch apart, our bodies almost glued to each other. He placed both his hands on my waist and I had to remind myself to breathe.

"I miss you" he whispered, his breathe brushing my ear and sending goose bumps down my back. I had wanted to hear those words so badly and I couldn't understand why finally hearing him whisper them to me made me so angry. I untangled myself from his arms and turned around.

I walked to the nearest guy I could find and began dancing with him. I began swaying to the music again and moving my hips to the beats of the song. I realised it was Ryan and i placed his hands on my hips and we begin dancing together. I slowly turn around and begin grinding on Ryan. All the while, i had my eyes closed. Just as I opened them, I saw that Billy was exactly where I had left him and he stood watching me dance with Ryan. His deep blue eyes seemed darker than usual. I paid no mind to him and continued dancing.

Some minutes later, I stop dancing and walk to the bar. All the dancing had gotten me thirsty and I requested for water from the girl at the bar. Immediately I sat down on one of the bar stools, someone slides onto the bar stool beside me. I look to my right and there was Billy. Again.

Surprise, surprise.

"Can you stop stalking me?"

He ignores me and then says, "don't you think you've had enough to drink already?"

"I am pretty sure that is not any of your business Billy" I reply him, annoyed.

My water finally arrives and i gulp it down quickly and got up. I must have gotten up too quickly because my legs wobbled and I almost fell. Billy, of course, was there to stop me from falling. I walk away from him and find Alison to tell her that I was going back to my room to rest.

"Alright," she says, "we will talk in the morning yeah? Please let Billy walk you back?"

I was too tired to argue and so I slightly nod my head, hug her and walk out of the club with Billy following behind.

When we get to the front of my door, i insert the key card and turn around to face him.

"Thank you for walking me. Goodnight." I sharply say and entered my room, closing the door behind me. Immediately, there was a knock on my door and I opened the door.

"Can we talk?" Billy asks with a tired but solemn look on his face.

"What about?"

"You know what" he replies and steps into the room.

On a different night, I would have definitely been able to continue fighting him but tonight, I was exhausted. I decided that maybe he would go away after hearing him out and so I walked away from the door and into the bathroom.

"Where are you going to?" I hear him call out when I shut the bathroom door behind me.

Ignoring him, I took a quick shower and changed into a white bath robe. I then put my hair up in a pony tail and came back out into the room. I didn't notice before but the room was amazing. The walls were painted a clean white while the floors were brown and wooden. Most of the floor was carpeted by a beautiful spotless rug made of white fur. The huge bed, laid with white cotton and silk brown linens, was placed at one end of the room and there was a a huge dressing table adjacent to it. To the right of the bed was a transparent glass wall and the view of the garden outside under the lights was beautiful.

Billy had made himself comfortable on the big bed and had the flat screen TV turned on to some sports channel. He was even eating my strawberries from the fruit bowl on the glass stool that was between the bed and the TV. Ugh, the nerve.

I walked to the closet and got my usual night wear, a big T-shirt and shorts, and went back into the bathroom to change.

"Alright, let's talk" I say as I make myself comfortable on the couch across from the bed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2018 ⏰

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