Returning Home. Part 1

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(Jungkook's P.O.V)
It was summer break...The sun was shining down through the trees, the sky a beautiful blue, the fresh air going through my hair and in my lungs sending shivers down my spine... Laying on the nice long green grass...but something is missing...something important to me...


That beautiful soft voice.

???:Kookie where are you?

I open my mouth to answer but nothing came out. I had no voice. I couldn't call out to her...

???:Kookie! Wake up!

What....everything then went pitch black and i felt someone shaking me.

???:Jungkookie! Wake up!
???:Jimin whatdid he do last night?
???:We stayed up late playing video games

i slowly open my eyes to see my hyungs faces staring down at me.

Taehyung:Good your not dead.
Jimin:Yeah but he LOOKS dead

I see Jin roll his eyes.

Namjoon:Jungkookie its time to get up

I groan while sitting up and looking around to find me on the couch in the livingroom. I stretch and let out a sigh.

Jin:Aish jinjja! your hair is a mess.

I comb one hand through my hair while the others laugh at Jin trying to be a mom. Yoongi sat down beside me getting comfortable.

Yoonig:I bet this pabo fogot what day it is.

I look at him in total confusion.

Jungkook:Wait what is today?
Jimin:Omo! Kookie you seriously don't remember? We get to go to our hometown for a month kinda like a vacation.
Jungkook:CRAP! That's today?!
Hobi:Yeah we are leaving to go to the airport in 30 minutes.

My eye's widen and i jump up from the couch running to my room to pack as fast as i can looking like a maniac as I'm running around frantically.

-30 minutes later-

We made it to the airport saying our "Goodbyes" to each other and getting hugs from my hyungs.

Yoongi:You know I'm actually gonna miss seeing you dumb asses everyday.

we roll our eyes at Yoongis comment and grab our things to head to our plane. Jimin and I come from the same hometown (Busan) so we are going the same way. After some walking we make it to our plane and get inside. i put my things in the overhead bin and sit down in my set that in next to Jimin's. I then sigh.

Jungkook:Im finally going home...

(Y/n's P.O.V)
I put down my bag tat i have been carrying for sometime now...I missed my house so much and now I'm finally back home. I look at my blue bed that looks so soft and is made so nicely. I Walk to it sitting down on it and smiling. I look at everything in my room admiring every detail and the memories behind it but as I'm looking i see a photo on my desk. I stand up and walk over to the photo picking it up looking at it. I was in the photo but...With a boy....but not just any boy...It was a boy i loved so much, the boy that always didn't fail to make me laugh when i was sad, a boy whom i will never EVER forget....the boy i had to leave cause of my ....disease...And that boy is...



WOW!!! i just died....but the question is....Did you lol😂.Anyways i hope you all enjoyed the first part of thus Fanfic i know this book will be better than my other one cause i feel i have gotten better at writing/detailing everything but anyways I love you my Kookies BYE!!!!!❤️

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