"Bruce.. psst.." Dave whispered, getting Bruce's attention. "Don't mind him he uh.. he's kind of uhm... not.. into girls.."
Bruce blinked a couple times and looked back at Jack who nodded.
"That explains a lot.." Bruce says softly.
"Can you uh.. can you come to the restrooms, real quick, I just want to tell you something..." Dave said and got up. Bruce nodded and followed Dave to the restrooms.
"So it's a family thing?"
"I'm gay t- what? How... how did you know I'm gay?"
"Well.. at least your brother is good at hiding it and doesn't have pink nail polish.." Bruce chuckled.
"Okay, true.. anyway.. please don't tell anyone about this, Jack kind of has an enormous crush on you and with enormous I mean he's only an inch away from hanging pictures of you on his bedroom walls and wearing boxers with your face on it."

Bruce didn't know what to say. Not once did he hear a boy had a crush on him. All the girls had but boys? He didn't even like boys, or did he? He didn't even know himself. His family always told him boys loving boys was wrong but since his parents died he learnt to love and accept people.
"I uh.. I'll think about it." Bruce said softly and walked away.
Dave facepalmed himself of how stupid he'd been before walking back into the classroom.

"And? What did you say? What did he say? Did he talk about me?" Jack sounded like a teenage girl.
"Yeah.. he said you're a real pain in the ass and that he hates you." Dave looked at Jack's reaction before bursting out in laughter. "Hahaha you should've seen your face! Bruce told me he had to think about things. But he sure didn't say he wasn't gay for you!" He smiled.
Jack face brightened up and he smiled widely. "I knew it! He likes me!"
Jack kept staring at Bruce's back during the rest of class.

An hour later they had PE. Jack and Dave were joking around with balls. "Look! I have titties!" Jack laugh while he held two balls in front of his chest. Dave did the same and chest bumped his five minutes younger brother. Harley joined them by putting a ball underneath her shirt. "Look! Dave made me pregnant!" She giggled. Jack suddenly quieted down and looked at Dave with an angry look, making him feel bad. He put up his hands and shook his head, "no thanks! No kids for me!" He chuckled.
It didn't make Jack feel better so he looked away, he saw Bruce leaning against the wall and slowly walked to him, holding a ball underneath his arm.
"Hey.. why aren't you wearing the school uniform?" Jack asked.
"I uh.. I don't have to participate.. I have a doctors note." Bruce said softly.
"Oh come on, you never participate PE!"
"I do! I only can't.. sport... once a month.." Bruce looked down.
"Aha, you have some weird ass training schedule huh? Beating your muscles up to become a big strong guy.." Jack chuckled nervously, a soft blush covered his cheeks.
The teacher blew his whistle and demanded every student to come to the benches at the sides.
"Well uh.. I'll see you!" Jack smiled and quickly ran to one of the benches and let himself fall down against Dave. It was funny, Bruce thought, Jack didn't look that gay up to that moment.

Bruce always enjoyed watching everyone do their thing, he especially liked seeing how Jack was super good at climbing onto the walls and free running over the thing he wasn't allowed to free run over but he always failed at climbing the rope. Like always he struggled with it and when he'd finally got up a bit bullies would start throwing balls at him. Bruce got pissed, if he could participate he would push the bullies away, even before knowing Jack had a crush on Bruce he always had the feeling to protect the slim built boy. One ball hit Jack right in his face, Bruce saw his pale long fingers slowly letting go of the rope as he fell backwards. Jack fell on the big cushions below the rope but his head stuck out just too far, hitting it on the hard floor. Bruce immediately jumped up from his leaning position and rushed over.

"Jack? Jack, can you hear me?" Bruce shook the smaller boy around a bit. Jack's eyes were still open, he still breathed but he just looked really confused of what happened.
"Jack, are you okay?" Bruce tried to get his attention.
"Jackie, hey," Dave kneeled down and stroke his brother's hair. "They're going to lift you up and bring you to the school nurse okay? You're gonna get a big ass lollipop! Do you want that?"
Jack nodded slowly, very slowly. The teacher lifted him up, surprised of how light weighted the boy was dragged the teacher him to the school nurse's office.

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