Chapter 3: ..Something.

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 While Jason was pulling Ty to who-knows-where, I continued eating the strawberries. I have to admit, they are addicting. Few minutes later, it was gone. I stood up and went for the door. I went outside, taking the fresh air. I thought of what happened. Why was I here? How did I get here? ...Well, maybe it's from the cat, but still! How? Why? Many questions flooded my head that made me stared at nothingness.I was so focused into my mind until..

 "Move, kid." I heard.I snapped out of my trance, and what I saw was very... Something.

 So apparently I am looking at... Herobrine. The real him. Tanned skin,well-built, a bit of scars here and there. His eyes was a glowing white, a faded teal t-shirt with a few cuts along his hems. His pants was a little ragged, a purplish-blue shirt with spots of dry blood. Rather then moving, I froze at the place. My eyes widened, hand trembling. He sighed,

 "Look kiddo, I'm just asking to move, and I'm not gonna murder you. So move or I'll use force on you." He said, his voice gruff. I was then pushed aside and fell on my butt, he huffed and mumbles something and goes into the cafe. I froze at the place, my eyes still widened. I held my amulet clenching it tight. 

 "W-was that... H-Herobrine..?" I whispered to myself. I then felt something pet my shoulder, which made my spine tingling. I turned my head slightly and saw that cat earlier. 

 "You cat, yooooouuu...." I said, "You almost startled me to death." I said, putting her on my lap and petting it.

 "What? But Herobrine is a daily visitor." The cat spoke. Wait... The cat... Spoke..!?

 "Dude, don't freak out." It said, and got off. She sat down looking at me.

 "The name's Endy. Part cat and Enderdragon hybrid." 'Endy' said, and changed into a girl with black, half the shoulder-length hair, clothes same as Ty and Jason only her vest was purple and her eyes were light purple. Quite pretty, I must say, but not my type. [sorrynotsorry//shot] Anyways, she held her hand out which I accepted, and pulled me up. I brushed the dirt off me, still confused of everything. 

 "I'm going into the cafe, do you need anything here master?" She said, going in the cafe.

 "N-no thanks, I'll just stay here." I replied and she nodded. She went back into the cafe, leaving me here. 

-|| T I M E  S K I P ||-


 It has been for a while since that mysterious power roamed around me.. It has been playing with my senses and it's pissing me off.

 "I gotta find the source of that power.." I whispered to myself and drank a health potion. It relieved me for the 4th time today, but I'm sure it'll soon come back. I knew I had to do something, so not bothering I am in my normal attire, I went down the glass stairs. Footsteps were heard as I go, and the first thing I saw was Herobrine. I smiled looking at him drinking his usual which was café au lait. He would also order Mocha once in a while but not recently, I wonder why. I reached to the bottom and went straight to him.

 "Enjoying your coffee, master~?" I said in a jokingly tone. He turned around and smiled back.

 "A little sweet as always, Seto~" he said in a British-ly accent with a 'like-a-sir face. I laughed of his expression while watching him. We talked for a bit, asking about life, and later, he left. We said our goodbyes and I almost forget why am here. I searched for the source of the power, which was fading for some reason. I went outside to see a guy an a grey hooded jacket with a dark grey pants and a yellow sneaker he seemed to be thinking because I waved my hand in front of him several times but no response. I snapped my fingers, and he locked out of his thoughts. 

 "OHHHH! I GO- Oh wait, nevermind.." he said, then went back to his thoughts.

 "E-excuse me.." I said. No response, of course. I dragged him to the back, which was empty. He's quite the thinker, I must say.. Anyways, I tried to make him get out of his thoughts,, but he was veeeery into it. So, I slapped him. Yes, slap. It's the only thing I could think. 

 "Ow, what was that for!?" He shouted at me.. Which apparently hurt my ears. But hey, that works.

 "You were blocking the front entry, so I dragged you here... Also what are you thinking about? You look so into it.. Do you mind telling me?" I said, and tiled my head a little. He sighed,

 "Oh, nothing special.." He simply said.

 "You're not around here, are you?" His eyes widened.

 "H-how did you know..?" He said, obviously confused.

 "I can tell. The name's Seto, SetoSorcerer, manager of this cafe." I said then smiled.

 "Oh, manager, eh? So can I ask some questions..?" He said, and I nodded.

 "...This cafe.. The workers here are chosen, right?" I nodded. "...How do they know how they are chosen, or why?" He asked. 

 "Well, Sky my boy, let's proceed inside.. I have a feeling you are gonna continue on and on." I said patting his back and leading him inside.


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