Soma + "Saiba Joichirou?!" = Laughing Sakura

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Satoshi nodded. "Yes, I have seen your name in previous years' documents. You were described as "The Wandering Chef," a person who traveled around the world, wielding your many different skills in many different restaurants. I suppose around the time you had settled down, Yukihira Diner came into play, so you disappeared from the front lines." he grinned. "I'm Isshiki Satoshi, current seventh seat of the Elite Ten. It's an honor to meet you, Chef Saiba."

Joichirou shook Satoshi's outstretched hand. "Yeah, me too. By the way, I go by Yukihira now, but you can just call me Joichirou." he returned Satoshi's grin, rather unfazed by Satoshi's get-up. His pink kuma bear apron was usually something very offsetting to others.

Yuuki and Ryoko were thinking about the same things. Yuuki looked at Ryoko and vice versa. They seemed to send each other telepathic messages.

He isn't fazed at all by Isshiki-senpai's appearance at all. Ryoko remarked in her head.

Yuuki nodded. Yeah, as expected from a former Elite... She turned away from Ryoko to Soma. "Oh, Yukihira-kun. You literally just found out about this now?" she asked, incredulous.

Soma scratched the nape of his neck and smiled sheepishly. "Er, I only found out that he traveled overseas recently..." his eyes narrowed and a bead of sweat trickled down his temple. "Ah, but come to think of it, when I was little, there were lots of calls on the telephone in foreign languages. Also, I found lots of pictures of my dad with foreign people in his albums."

Yuuki's jaw dropped. "You can't be serious! Get a hint, Yukihiraaaaaaa!!!" And she then proceeded to chase him up and down the dorm.

While Satoshi and Joichirou were conversing with each other like old friends, Fumio was entertaining herself by telling the rest of Polar Star Dorm about "The Golden Age." And then there was Sakura, who had picked herself up from the ground and was now cooking.

The fresh aroma of many different cuisines were drifting through the air. Arabian, Italian, African, all sorts. Soon enough, Sakura had finished what she and Joichirou had started. "Food's ready!" she shouted.

Joichirou got up, leaving behind Satoshi mid-way through his next question. "Now then! Th food will keep coming so let's have a toast!" he announced.

Yuuki and Tadokoro looked at each other, seemingly thinking the same thing. Wow, dishes made by a former Elite Ten. Soma's father no less...

Tadokoro fidgeted nervously. What will it taste like? As if on cue, Joichirou set down an appealing dish.

"Here, have some." he invited, with a rather charming yet masculine smile.

Hesitantly, Yuuki and Tadokoro took a spoon out of the slightly spicy dish. Instantly, they started to imagine the culinary pleasure of those Arabian nights. Sakura smirked, and it was all thanks to her Harissa seasoning!

And just as Sakura was thinking about her genius, Tadokoro asked, "Um...Saiba-san, what's this paste smeared onto the lamb meat?"

Joichirou grinned. "Oh, that? That's 'Harissa,' an all purpose seasoning-" he was interrupted by Sakura quickly punching him in the gut before scooting him away from a mildly amused Tadokoro. Sakura wouldn't stand to have him explain HER genius as if it was HIS.

"Sorry, Tadokoro. But I won't let Joichirou explain my creation for me!" she huffed. Tadokoro just giggled cutely and Sakura could easily see why Inui was so obsessed with her. "But as I was saying, 'Harissa' is an all purpose seasoning that was cultivated from chili peppers and other things native to North Africa. With traditional Middle Eastern cooking..." and Sakura continued to ramble on about her Harissa.

Meanwhile Joichirou was having a blast with Marui Zenji's reaction to his failed snake dish. Marui was eager to try it only to spit it out with a "HORRIBLEEEEEE!!!" face and find out it was a fail.

Instantly, Soma and Sakura (who also had a knack for making fun of her own horrible dishes) rushed to Joichirou's side, each of them taking their own bite of the snake dish. "Eugh, Pops! This really is bad, but my squid tentacles dressed in peanut butter is even worse!" Soma then proceeded to wave his arms around to reenact the motion of squid tentacles.

"Nonsense!" Joichirou protested. "We all know that my sardines dipped in strawberry jam will always stand as the worst of the worst!" and he, too, repeated the action.

Sakura cleared her throat. "I think you're forgetting about me. But I have created something far worse than squid tentacles dressed in peanut butter and sardines dipped in strawberry jam.....combined."

Joichirou scoffed while Soma gasped as Sakura pulled out a plate. "Behold, pickles stuffed with ice cream cake!" she smirked. "Nee, nee, Soma-kun. Wanna try some? You too, Joichirou!"

And just like that, Joichirou, Soma and Sakura were sucked into their own quarantine of disgusting foods.


A.N: And there we go, guys! Another chappie! These previous chapters were mostly dedicated to Sakura and Soma and their school lives plus them getting to know each other. The next few chapters will be dedicated to turning up the heat! So I'm hoping that you're all sorta looking forward to that, 'cause I am!

So please comment to give me feedback and vote to show your appreciation, thank you!

Word Count: 2,033 words (Ooh, yes! I got over 2,000 words!

Ja nee~

-Lady Catherine Griffin of Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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