Chapter 5

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Riding a horse, Marisari realized, was something her body very much disagreed with. She had been a little sore that morning, but now after many hours of riding the pain caused from the night before had become unbearable. Nevertheless, Marisari continued on trying not to show how much agony she was in. she didn't want to be an inconvenience to the khalasar.

At least one of her new handmaidens had thought ahead as to lay out some Dothraki clothes for her; she was sure the ride would have been much more uncomfortable for her if she had been forced to ride in one of her silk dresses.

The morning after her wedding night the Khal had been very kind to her, helping her redress and taking her back to Illyrio's house so she could change her clothes and have a proper goodbye with Daenerys, waiting patiently as both girls cried together before they rode off. He had made sure her horses saddle was on correctly and had helped her onto the horse before riding to the front of the horde.

As they rode over some very rough terrain, Sari could barely keep the grimace from forming on her face. "Are you unwell, Khaleesi?" Marisari's handmaiden, Irri asked walking up beside her. The girl's question caused Jorah, who was riding slightly behind Marisari, to turn his head and look at her as well.

Sari game both of them a strained smile and replied, "I am fine; I am just not accustomed to riding for many hours. I'm sure I will get better at it soon." Though neither Jorah not Irri seemed convinced, they did not pry further.

Marisari turned to face forward, trying to catch a glimpse of Khal Drogo; they had been casting each other looks all day, but she could not find him or any of his blood riders. Looking to face ser Jorah, she asked him in the common tongue, "Where has my husband gone to?"

Ser Jorah also looked ahead to where the Khal had originally been, and then turning back to her he answered, "The Khal and his blood riders have gone ahead of the Khalasar to hunt for the evening meal. That means we will probably be stopping soon, Khaleesi." And Marisari could not hold in her sigh of relief at his answer, causing Ser Jorah to laugh at her, and in return Marisari almost shoved him off his horse earning a round of laughter from the Khalasar.

Going over a deep groove in the dirt had her bouncing on her horses back, and this time she could not hold in her grimace of pain.

Jorah rod up beside her and held out a piece of food, "You need to eat something, child."

But Marisari waved it away, "No, I do not think I could stomach any food at the moment."

Jorah sighed before reaching for a water skin and holding it out to her, "Then drink, the last thing we need is the Khaleesi falling off her horse from dehydration." Marisari sighed, taking the offered water and bring it to her lips for a drink. She let out a moan of pleasure as the water ran down her throat.

Sari looked around her at the people walking, riding on horses and in carts. These were her people now, but she had no idea how to lead them.

Finally they saw Drogo and his riders coming towards them and Marisari couldn't help but watch him ride forward. He was so large and powerful looking sitting atop him horse. And when he looked to her and they caught each other's eye she started to think about the night before and couldn't help but blush especially when the Khal sent her a knowing smirk.

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