Chapter 1

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Marisari was standing on a balcony, staring out over Pentos with her half-sister Daenerys

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Marisari was standing on a balcony, staring out over Pentos with her half-sister Daenerys. They had recently learned of Viserys' plans to marry Dany to one of the most powerful Dothraki warlords. She felt pity for her younger sister who was only four and ten, to be married to such a fierce and harsh man.

Since hearing of the marriage, Marisari had taken to learning as much as she could about the Dothraki and teaching herself their language, because of this she knew the Dothraki were known for there brutality, and it was moments like these that made Marisari glad that her half-brother, Viserys, didn't consider her a dragon.

She was born from their father's favorite mistress, who was from The Reach, and was the only bastard daughter of Luthor Tyrell. Therefore Marisari was not considered Targaryen in her elder brother's eyes.

At the age of ten and seven Marisari held little resemblance to her siblings; instead she took after her mother in looks, though her mother's was not as red as her own fiery red hair, but they did share their deep chocolate brown eyes.

It was because of her hair that she had become her father's favorite bastard, he told her many times before his death that she was kissed by dragon fire. Because of her father's favoritism she had been sent away with her siblings, when they had fled to Essos.

Marisari was jolted out of her thoughts by her younger sister's deep sigh, "Why do I have to do this? Why is Viserys making me do this? You are the oldest, should you not be the one marrying the horse lord?" Dany asked her innocently.

Marisari gave her young sister a sad smile, "Dany, you know Viserys does not think well enough of me to exchange an army for me. To him it would be an insult to offer the bastard sister instead of the full bred."

Dany frowned, "You shouldn't talk about yourself that way, Sari." She bit her lip and looked down nervously, "Do you think he will like me? Maybe he won't want me because I'm too young and we can forget this whole thing."

Marisari gave Dany a soft smile, "Maybe you're right. But you're beautiful and sweet, he would be a fool not to accept you."

Dany opened her mouth to reply but was cut off by the sound of their brother calling for her; "Daenerys!" she flinched at the sound of her brother caller for her.

Dany looked to her sister, distraught, she was terrified of what Viserys had come to her for this time.

He rounded the corner and saw them standing out on the balcony, "Daenerys, Marisari, there is our bride to be." He said walking towards them with a piece of clothing in his arms.

Sari have her sister a short smile and linked arms with hers leading her down the steps to their brother, "Look, a gift from Illyrio." He told them with a smile on his face.

Dany and she kept their facial expression blank as they came to stand before him, "Touch it," He told Dany, smiling widely at her, "Go on, feel the fabric." Dany released her arm and reached out to touch the dress.

"Hmm, isn't he a gracious host, Marisari, would you like to touch it?" Viserys beckoned her over to feel it also.

Dany looked up at her brother as Marisari came forwards and touched the dress, "We've been his guest for over a year and he's never asked us for anything."

Viserys kept his smile but it tightened considerably, "Well Illyrio is no fool, he knows I won't forget my friends, when I come into my throne."

Dany nodded her head demurely and Viserys handed the dress over to one of the hand maidens, looking to Marisari he said, "Leave us, bastard, I need a word with my sister."

Sari had to retrain herself from striking her dear brother, and nodded her head tightly, walking towards the door, "You still slouch." She heard Viserys say before the door was closed and she was turning around and walking to her own chambers.

She had just passed Illyrio's personal garden when she heard someone call for her. Stopping, she turned around and came face to face with the man of the house himself.

Marisari curtsied to the man, "My Lord, Illyrio. What can I do for you?"

He held his arm out in an invitation for her to take it, "Would you take a walk with me through the garden? There is something I would very much like to discus with you."

Marisari hesitantly reached for his arm and linked hers through it, "I would be honored, My Lord."

After a bout of silence Sari turned to Illyrio, "You said there was something you would like to discuss with me, My Lord?"

Illyrio nodded his head, he had always liked the fiery headed Targaryen bastard, "Yes, there is. I wanted to warn you of Viserys' plans."

Sari looked up at the man in confusion, "What plans do you speak of, my Lord? I have already been told of the plans to wed Daenerys to the Khal Drogo."

Illyrio shook his head and led her over to a bench in the garden for them to sit on, "Those are not the plans I was referring to, my dear. After your sister's wedding to Khal Drogo, Viserys plans on selling you to a very wealthy man in Qarth by the name of Xaro Xhoan Daxos as his mistress. In exchange Prince Xaro will grant Viserys a large amount of gold for him to buy ships with."

Marisari was shocked, though she didn't know why, this sounded like something Viserys would do. She was also confused as to why Illyrio had shared this information with her. She looked up at the man, "Why would the prince want me? I am just a bastard; shouldn't Viserys be selling Daenerys to the prince and me to the Dothraki?"

Illyrio shook his head, "Rumors of your beauty have spread over the free cities, and the girl kissed by fire is what they are calling you. The prince asked for you personally."

Marisari nodded slowly, her face, a blank mask; perhaps if she left soon enough she could pack a few things and be gone by morning, "Thank you, my Lord Illyrio, for informing me of this." Sari stood ready to leave, but turning around and asked, "Why did you tell me this? You could have just as easily not informed me at all."

Illyrio gave her a smile and stood, "You will know soon enough. Also, a piece of advice, don't run just yet. Some events are soon to come to pass that will change your future for the better. Good day, my dear." Illyrio said to her before turning and walking in the opposite direction.

Marisaristood there for a few moments, watching him walk away, pondering his words,weighing her options. Would she follow his advice? Or would she go ahead and run? If thingsdidn't change for the better by the time Khal Drogo came to see Dany, then shewould leave. She would stay until then. Sari sighed before turning and walkingto her room to get changed for the ceremony.

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