Chapter 1: The Intro

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(Picture of Kiara at the top)

Ayeeee I got the first chapter done, YAAAAAAYYYY!! Now please take notice that there are some grammatical errors in my writing. I apologize in advance. I'm not the best writer but I have such a huge imagination that I couldn't help myself. I had to start writing so here we are. If you have any suggestions for what I should do for my story then don't be afraid to say anything. However, just keep in mind that constructive criticizisim is NOT the same as hate comments/complaints. I won't tolerate any negativity. I want my stories to be a safe place for thoughts to wonder and for people to have a good read. Thank you for reading my story friends

Kiara's POV

"Hi! Welcome to Minestroto. My name is Kiara and I will be your waitress for today. How may I help?" I said out loud for the thousandth time that day. Looking at the group of men trying to decide what to eat. I couldn't help but to listen to their thoughts. Something I find that I often end up regretting. 

"Dam look at her tits in that shirt. Those girls look like they want to be set free and I'm the man to for the job."  Said the gentleman right next to me. Well he didn't say it, he thought it. Yep I'm a mind-reader. Hey don't judge. I could block out there thoughts if I concentrate very hard but if I block them out for long periods of time then I will start to feel this extreme pain in my head and I will even start to get dizzy.

Anyways the place I work at is a very famous restaurant. Known to the common folk as a rich haven. We have very high end clients who tend to get really handsy and cocky just because they have money to throw away. Don't get me wrong. I need the job which is why I haven't left, plus as a bonus if the clients like you then they leave a huge tip. One time I got fifty bucks for a tip. let's just say I used that the rent at my place. Thank god for that too because I was low in money. 

As the day went by the perverts came and went, orders were served and my feet continued to hurt. When the clock struck 10PM that's when we closed up the store and left to head home. 

"Hey beautiful. Wanna come hang at my place?" asked my co-worker who has been flirting with me since the first day I started here,  Harry.

"Sorry sweet checks. I made important plans to wash my hair and I can't cancel that but hey, maybe I can free up schedu- wait I can't, I have to feed my dog and take a nap, so rain check?" I said faking innocence. I didn't see him in any other way than a co-worker who slacks off. He wishes to get paid lots of money but yet he never wants to work the hours. Wow people are selfish. As I was walking out the door I heard him think to himself;

"But you don't have a dog."

"Exactly." was my reply to him as I walked out the door, no doubt leaving him with a confused look on his face. I had wanted him to know that I was deliberately lying to him because he already knows that I'm not gonna date him.

Walking down the dark and quiet streets at night I allowed my mind to wonder. My life hasn't been easy since I was a young child. My mother died giving birth to me. My father started out as a nice man but as the years came and went his heart became more dark. He started abusing me when I was 5. And for 12 years I endured it until he tried to bring in some of his friends to take part of it. It wasn't very pleasant. So I ran away. What's really strange is that even after what my father has put me through I've always felt special. Like I was meant for something in this world. Running away was the easy part  of my new, free chapter in life. I had to survive somehow so I took up a job. I worked and worked and did only that for 3 years until now. I got myself an apartment and I'm saving up for my license so I can buy a car. Things are looking pretty good.

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of a thud in an alleyway that I was passing by. Taking out my phone I turn on the flashlight and there I see it. A man, not just any man. A gorgeous man. Unfortunately I didn't have much time to check him out since it looked like he was hurt. I was about to call 911 when I heard him mutter something along the lines of "No cops or hospital please." So I listened to his wishes.

"Don't worry sir. I understand. Those hospital bills could kill even a big man like you but I'm not gonna leave you here so you're coming with me." I said as I hoisted him up by putting his arm over me and placing most of his weight on me. I thank the gym that I visit for allowing me to carry a man so huge. He had to be over 6'3 and he was ripped. Like I think he even had an 8 pack. Welp now for the long walk to my place. God help me.

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