It's So Embarrassing

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Arjun's POV

When I saw Sweety crying I felt very bad. I immediately released her and she ran into bathroom . I usually behave well with everyone and respect girls. Sweety is exceptional. I was always rude to her and today I crossed the limits. I told we are not kids anymore but I behaved like one. She is not a kid anymore but a teenager and I'm 20 . I shouldn't have held her like that. Don't know what has gotten  into me. I'm always not myself with her. I should apologize to her. I went to my bedroom to apologize to her. She is still in the bathroom & its been more than half an hour. I can hear her sobbing.

"Sweety ! I'm really sorry and I promise I will never behave like that" I said sincerely. She didn't say anything but I heard her cry more.

"Sweety! I'm sorry. Please come out" I said

She didn't come out. Now I'm really worried. Is she OK ? She came all the way from USA alone just to spend time with my family. She must have felt dreadful  & lonely when I told  my parents  &  brother are not home and here I'm making her cry without understanding the situation .

"Sweety ! I'm so sorry for being rude. I behaved like a jerk not understanding how you would be feeling when I said no one is at home. Please come out.  I will make it up to you. I promise " I said sincerely .

What happened next was a total shock to me .

She came out of the bathroom running, hugged me tightly and cried harder. I was totally taken back. Didn't know how to react. Slowly recovering from the shock I asked her softly "Is something bothering ? You can tell me. I'm the last person you want to share your feelings but trust me I will do anything for you  to make up to my previous behavior

She looked up to me surprised then moved back and continued crying covering her face with hands. Now I some how feel I'm not the reason she is crying. She wouldn't hug me if I'm the reason. I started thinking of all the possible things and finally I thought it may be girls problem and she needs my help. But how can I ask her that. Its so embarrassing to speak to her about that. After thinking for a while I  thought if I feel like this , how embarrassing it would be for her  to talk to me, not to mention the kind of relation we share .

I went to her, slowly removed her hands from her face, held them like comforting her and asked " is it girls problem" she nodded yes looking down. What am I supposed to do now? how can I help her?I have no idea. After couple of minutes I understood she might need  tampons.

I contemplated  how and what to tell her  and finally I said,  "Go to mom's bathroom , hmmm .... you would find.... hmm... things you need" looking down 

This is so embarrassing. It's my first time I ever discussed these things.

She started going to mom's bedroom but came back to me hugged. She is still crying. I started to think her reason to cry.

"Arjun " she called me still hugging, bringing me out of my thoughts  but didn't say anything . Looks like she  is trying hard to frame words . I patted her head and said " It is ok to  tell me anything. I'm here for you "

"Arjun ! this is .... this is... you know first time ... I'm really scared" she said with hesitation in almost inaudible voice 

No wonder she has been crying. A girl needs her mom during this time or atleast some girl and unfortunately for her I'm there who is her enemy

"My mom's phone is not reachable. Talk to your mom. That might help you " I said

She started crying again. God ! what did I say now?

" I    ca..lled   he...rr ... sheee   didn't  ev..en    li..sten to... meee .... sco...lded   fo...r   no...t ta...king  her caa..ll   thi...sss   whe...n   I tri....ed    to   oppp...ennn    doo..rrr   (I CALLED HER , SHE DIDN'T EVEN LISTEN TO ME , SCOLDED FOR NOT TAKING THE CALL THIS MORNING WHEN I TRIED TO OPEN THE DOOR ) and shee cut theee caaalll   ( She cut the call )" saying she cried harder.

What kind of a mother is she, not even listening to her daughter's problem. Sweety was definitely crying when she called her mom. Any human can understand from her voice. Is she for real? She can't even be a human let alone mother.

Its no time to waste on that witch ( that's what I feel about her from my childhood). I have to take care of Sweety,  I thought to myself .

"Forget about her. I'm here for you, trust me. There is nothing to get scared. It happens to every girl. Go take hot water shower, you will feel better" I'm surprised with myself by the way I assured her .

It worked. She stopped crying and went to mom's room.

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