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I felt bad of what I done to Annabeth, so I went out to go say sorry. However when I went to open the door I got fire blasted and was pushed back a few feet. I look to see Leo standing over me with his hands on fire. "How dare you do that to Annabeth" Leo said in a rage voice. "Leo don't"- middle of Annabeth's sentence Leo tried to fire blast again but this time I was prepared. I quickly teleported outside by my cabin and drew my swords out of there sheaths. " Don't do this Leo. Fighting me is a grave mistake" I said. But Leo didn't heath my warning and charged at me. I moved to my right to avoid the attack and back kicked him. He stumbled alittle and turned around ready to fight. But then we heard something that sounded like something broke the speed of sound. Then something came down to the ground. I was shock to see Drago looking at me and Leo. "That is enough out of the both of you" he said. "Who are you?" said Leo. " I'm an the son of Order, and you better hope that I don't send you down to the depths of Tartarus-" "Stop" I said to Drago. "There's no need for violence. Let's all calm down and talk this out" I said very relaxed. However, Leo didn't think it was a good idea and started to charge at me. Before he could even hit me, Drago placed two fingers on Leo's head and said sleep. At that moment Leo fell on the floor snoring peacefully.

This was so embarrassing. Leo was sleeping like a baby and this guy just shows up coming from the sky. "We have more important matters to deal with" said Drago. "What's going on?"said Omega. "It's Thor. He's in trouble and we need to go help him." " Thor, you mean the Norse God of Thunder. I thought he was only a myth?" I said with amazement. "All of the gods are real. Hindi, Chinese, Japanese, you name it there all real" said Drago. " Then what are we waiting for let's go"I said with excitement.

I looked at her confused. "What do you mean "we". Do you think that you're going?" I said. Before Annabeth could start talking everything froze in place. All of time stood still except me and Drago. "You got to teach me that move" I said. Drago looked at me with sadness in his eyes. That's when I knew what he was thinking of. "No. No no no no no NO!!" I said with frustration. "You have to. I can't come with you and you need company" Drago said. "I'll just take my team then". "You can't. They need to stay here incase Kronos's army try's to invade". I hate to admit it but he was right. I had no other choice. "Fine" I said. He patted my back and said thank you. Then he just disappeared and and Annabeth was starting to say why she should go. " Just stop talking. You can come" I said paranoid. " Only if my team comes with" she said determined. When I looked at her she looked at me with determination. I really didn't want to but I said whatever.

I can't believe he's letting me come with him and also bringing my friends come along. I told everyone to meet me by the lake. When everyone came I told them what the mission was. Even tho my friends didn't like Omega they still wanted to come. Also this was my chance to prove myself that I'm strong and can do things. We packed everything that we needed and meet up with Omega. Omega said "Listen. We're going to a new realm. This realm is hot, pure fire, lava. This place is called Muspelheim the place where Surtur live and that's where Thor is" said Omega. "Get ready". And just the snap of his fingers we were in Muspelheim. It was so hot and there's lava all around us. "Lets go" said Omega and we started walking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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