The mission pt 2

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We walk threw the portal and sat before us was was all the gods and we're having a confused look on there face."Why hello Per-I mean Omega, what brings you here" said Hades. For some reason Poseidon look angry when I arrived. "I have a mission with my team to help camp half-blood with the fight with Kronos and my dads brother End" I said boldly. "We accept your mission but be warned camp half-blood is different since you left Omega" Zeus said. I nodded to all the gods and my team and I put on our battle gear in and out on hoods that were attach to our chest piece. Then I snap my fingers and we were in half-blood hill. From a far it looks like a good place but if get closer you can see some blood spots from that day.
-----flash back-----

The next day me and Annabeth were walking on the beach when the horns were sounded, it was an attack. Annabeth and I quickly ran up half-blood hill and meet up with Nico. "Who's attacking" I ask. "I don't know but there things that I never seen before" Nico said."Listen Percy and me we will flank the left Nico you flank the right with Jason and we both take some some campers and the rest will flank the middle " Annabeth said. Good thing we had Annabeth here. So we scattered to our spots I pulled out and uncapped riptide and was ready for battle. Omega OMEGA Omega! said Sky. I joltedout of my nightmare and quickly realized that there was an army of campers holding spears to our throats and leading can't Annabeth?

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