just stop speaking.

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Ellie wouldn't enjoy meeting Jesse, that she knew. She's a simple girl that just doesn't like to get into drama and she knew that Jesse would cause such drama. It was kind of weird how they met anyway. It was at a bar, both of them looking for someone to talk to, both of them very depressed due to reasons. So they talked and never stopped talking to each other. Ellie was so grateful for Jesse not hitting on her because she hates to blow guys off. She actually feels sorry for guys who have a crush on gay girls.

"Hey, Ellie," Jesse said as soon as he saw her coming his way.
"What's up?" Ellie replied as if she just wanted to get straight to the point of this conversation so she could get home as soon as possible.
"Dina and I broke up. We decided on not dealing with our drama anymore that's caused without reasons. At least we're not giving each other but us the fault overall."
The browned hair girl had to keep herself from grinning since that is exactly what she thought about earlier. "Oh man, I'm so sorry. Anything I can do for you?" - "Nah, not really. Thanks for your concern but I'm actually alright with it. I could've seen this coming."

They just sat there in awkward silence until he decided to go get something to drink. Ellie decided to go with him. He just wanted to get drunk, she didn't. Ellie would just go with him to check on the girls, probably.

They actually sat down pretty far apart from each other. Ellie wasn't in the mood to watch Jesse get drunk and babysit him afterward. The bar wasn't too crowded. Ellie drank her soda in peace, checking her phone from time to time until a girl sat down beside her. It was Dina. It was hard not to melt right away for Ellie. She has a weak spot for brown eyes. 
"Hey, Ellie!" she said. "Hey, what are you doing here?" - "Well, actually just a bit of dancing and drinking. I didn't have much beer, though, so don't worry, I'm not drunk at all. What about you?" - "Well, your now ex-boyfriend dragged me here. I agreed on coming with him to see what's up in the ladies world," Ellie smiled a bit. "Jesse is here? Don't let him get drunk, he's very dramatic and when he sees us together, shit could get down." - "Gotcha."

To Ellie's relief, Jesse hasn't seen them chatting. Dina went off dancing again, Ellie admired every move, carefully, because she doesn't want Dina to catch her looking at her. 

The brown-haired girl was about to leave and go home until Jesse decided to get up from his seat and go dancing. Of course, he saw Dina and shit went off. Ellie could hear the shouting from her seat.

"You're not even single for one day and already on the search for your next boyfriend." - "Jesse, go home. You're drunk." - "No, you listen to me. I would have given you anything if you wouldn't have started that bullshit every single time!"
Ellie asked herself if it was a good idea to go interrupt that discussion. She decided on not doing that since she was really bored and this was quite entertaining. She heard Dina continuing.
"Oh, I started the bullshit every time? I'm not the one that causes drama out of nowhere, see, you're doing it again - right now." - "Yeah, but you're giving me a reason for doing this!" - "I don't give you any reason at all!" - "You know what, I'm off." - "You better. Oh, and remember that I won't be there for you tomorrow to cure your headache!" - "Whatever." The door made a loud noise before it shut.

Dina sat down next to Ellie again, definitely not in the mood for dancing anymore. Her head rested on her hand and she was silently looking at the table. Ellie wanted to comfort her but she didn't know how. She actually doesn't much about helping people, except for hunting or killing. 

"I knew this would happen. Jesse's always like that when he drank. Giving me the blame for his faults," Dina spoke up. "Yeah, but I think he realizes he's wrong once he's sober again." - "Pfft, as if he'll remember what just happened." - "Hey, at least he's not a violent drinker. And by the way, he told me that it's okay how it is earlier," Ellie said, trying to cheer Dina up a bit. It actually worked.

"I really hope so. You know what? I wanna dance, and you'll dance with me." - "Dina, I'm not a good dancer." - "I don't care." And with that being said, she dragged Ellie on to the dance floor. They fooled a lot around, doing weird dance moves, but when it came down to actual dancing, Ellie wasn't that bad at all.

After a few rounds of dancing, both of them were really exhausted.

"It's great that I found a new friend today," Dina said. "Oh, really, who is he?" Ellie said while raising her eyebrow. 

"First of all, it's a she, with brown hair and with one streak of it never wanting to stay in that ponytail. Furthermore, her face is covered with freckles, which is cute and her cut in the eyebrow, if it's not a scar, will probably be the death of me one day. Oh, and her name is Ellie," she flirted. Ellie tried so much not to blush but you could see a slight shade of crimson on her cheeks. Dina giggled slightly. "C'mon, don't tell me you're not used to getting compliments from girls," she quoted. "Well, actually not. But thank you. Oh, and it's actually a scar I got when I was a kid, no big story there, though," Ellie replied with a warm smile. 

"See you around, Ellie. I gotta go. Thanks for cheering me up."
And with that Dina went off. Ellie waved after her but she felt a slight remorse because of Jessie. She shook it off quickly because at the end you have to think about yourself first.

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