The Cove's Secret

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LISTEN TO Love Runs Out by one republic while reading this.

Caitlyn's POV

I dragged Jason to the cove while he was asleep. He was light. I carried him in and set him down as he woke up.

"Wha- where are we?", he questioned.

"The cove."


"Cause.", I said as I pulled him in.


"Hay is for horses." I couldn't resist.

We splashed around until midnight when the water got warm. All of a sudden I couldn't stand. The floor was gone. "Jason!", I yelled into the darkness.

"Caitlyn!", I heard the response.

Rachel's POV

I heard them leave. One girl dragging a man. What a scene. Oh well I decide to follow them. I silently leave a note for Adam.



Hey Adam, it's Rachel. If I don't return something has gone wrong. I'm following Caitlyn and Jason.

Love, Rachel

Jason's POV

I heard a crack and suddenly I couldn't see her. The love of my life is getting whisked away. I dive after her. I hear my name and her sweet voice.


"Caitlyn!", I shout back into the darkness as I dive in. How on earth am I going to find her if there's something at the bottom?

Caitlyn's POV

I've been falling for hours. Four to be exact. I finally see the bottom. "No,no,no,no. Please no!", I yell as

I fall into a prison cell. I see water. I have to land in it perfectly. And she scores. 1 Caitlyn 0 the dropper!

Jason's POV

I'm falling so fast but for so long. I see the bottom. It's a prison cell. Yay. I see Caitlyn. Oh no. She's either unconscious or asleep. I hope asleep. She's beautiful when she sleeps.

Caitlyn's POV

"Hello there. Another unsuspecting visitor. Well then. My plans are working.", Says a man with white eyes.

"Herobrine.", Jason faintly whispered.

Rachel's POV

I feel like a stalker. I watched them swim. Then, I watched them fall I couldn't do anything about it. The next thing, they were gone. I ran back and woke everyone up. "Wake up! Wake up! Help! Help!" Immediately everyone woke up.

"What? what's happening? Are we in a tornado or hurricane?", They all questioned me.

"Jason and Caitlyn left and I left a note on Adam. The floor fell from underneath them. I need your help. This was Herobrine's doing. Come on." I showed them the way and they looked at the cove with water poring down the hole.

"Mitch, what do we do?", dassy asked.

"I don't know.", He responded in a loving way.

Ugh they are in love. I'm not except Adam's eyes are sooooo dreamy. "So, what do we do?"

"Well,"adam said,"if this is Herobrine's plan then we stick together. One man with one girl."

"Umm don't you mean one immature boy and a pretty lady?", I asked flipping my hair on the word "pretty".

"Fine!", Adam said as he leaned over and kissed me. "You're my partner!"

Yes yes yes yes yes! He loves me!!

Enough lovey-dovey? Im not done yet since I wanted to bring you a longer chapter. I'll try to update daily but oh well. The next part listen to Miss Moving on by Fifth Harmony (I love them).

Mitch's POV

I love Arianna. She's gorgeous. "Guys, I have a plan but let's talk about it over some prizza." After prizza I start talking. "Let's get a rope and a rock. A VERY long rope. Tie it to a rock and lower me and Arianna down."

Time skip to going down

We tied a knot at the end of the rope. I let go till it hit near the knot. I grabbed and slowed down. I saw them. They looked dead but probably asleep. "Psst! Jason!" he turned his head and he was sleepy. Cassie hoped down the rope and looked straight at Caitlyn.

"The package was from my brother. Herobrine is my brother. I told him not to. He gave me the only dagger that can kill him. He trusts me. I don't." She handed me the dagger. I felt powerful. I show Jason and he stood up.

"Lets do this.", We said at the same time.



It took me 3 days I hope you are happy.

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