The meet

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~A regular day in the Oc mansion~

Sota: *in his room reading silently*

Akari: *baking a cake humming to herself*

Yuuta: *walks over to her* Hey Akari have you seen Haikyuu anywhere?

Akari: *doesn't over still decorating the cake* Something about leaving to meet someone *studies the cake* I don't know I wasn't paying attention....

Yuuta: Oh ok....can I have some of the cake when your done?

Akari: *shoots him a glare* Back off

Yuuta: *gets frightened and steps back*  Ok ok! *walks to the living room and watches tv*

~A few hours later~

Haikyuu: *Walks through the the front door with two girls behind him* I'm home!

Akari: *hides the cake and walks over* Umm who are they?

Sota: *walks out of his room to the man with his tail swaying silently*

Haikyuu: These are my friends Reyia and Meyia I wanted to introduce you guys to them! *smiles cutely*

Reyia: *smiles* Hello

Meyia: *stands behind Reyia shyly* H-hi...

Yuuta: Yo im Yuuta Raken nice to meet you

Haikyuu: *goes over and hugs his arm happily*

Akari: I'm Akari and that's my brother Sota

Sota: *looks at them* .....hi

Akari: You Emo bastard

Sota: you fat ass I saw you hide the cake....

Akari: you're just mad because I'm not giving you none!

Haikyuu: U-Um Let me show you to your rooms *walks upstairs*

Meyia/Reyia: *follows them*

Yuuta: *holds his hand following*

~A few minutes later~

Akari: *eating in Sota's face* Mmm...this is the best cake in the damn world

Sota: *sighs trying to ignore her*

Akari: Wow Yea..*keeps eating* Yea you wish you had this

Sota: *takes the cake and throws it* Shut the fuck up!

Yuuta: *laughs*

Haikyuu: *giggles*

Reyia: *looking through a photo album*

Meyia: *watches them giggling silently*

Akari: *sulks on the floor* My cake....

An Oc Story (Next Generation)  ((Collab with -_-R-E-N-_-Where stories live. Discover now