Chapter 4

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"Oh my gosh, Mark, are you alright?" Jinyoung fussed over the older as soon as he saw Mark with bloodshot eyes and a bandaged wrapped around his left hand.

Jackson was right beside Mark, supporting him through a hand on the latter's back and gripping at his sides, afraid that Mark might faint because he looked so weak he had no strength on his legs, while he balanced their tray of food with his other hand. Jackson had skipped his practice and accompanied Mark to the university's clinic. As much as he wanted the older to stay and rest on the bed, Mark refused so strongly while shaking his head repeatedly like a child not wanting to be left alone.

So, he had no choice but to stay beside Mark for the rest of the day. He only has a two-hour class lecture so he would skip it in favor of keeping Mark out of danger. Sometimes, it makes him frown, knowing that Mark had stalkers like the guy he had seen earlier. Mark is often vulnerable and unguarded making it easier for other people to take advantage of his kindness. If only Jackson could eliminate those people who try to harm Mark then he already have done it. He fears that what if one day he wouldn't be able to protect Mark because he's got some other things to prioritize. Mark has no one but Jackson and it's a huge burden placed upon the latter's shoulders.

But it's not like Mark is a burden. This constant worrying is keeping Jackson restless. He wanted Mark to stand up on his own and fight for whatever he deemed worthy to fight for. He wanted to see Mark standing tall and firm on his ground without anyone being able to shake him off of his feet. He wonders when he'll get to see that image of his best friend. If that time comes, then Jackson would finally be able to breathe properly.

"...I'm fine..." Mark muttered as he slumped down on the seat of the cafeteria, giving a murmured thanks to Jackson who sat right next to him.

Jinyoung pressed his lips together, still unconvinced at the way his friend looked. He sat across from the two. "What happened?" He asked, regarding the question to Jackson because he knew Mark wasn't in the mood for any interrogation.

"Some asshole tried to force himself onto Mark," Jackson scoffed, unconsciously grabbing Mark's hand from under the table and intertwining their fingers. He saw how Mark flinched at the mention of 'asshole'─referring to Taehyung─and he just had to offer his hand to stabilize him.

"Who?" Jinyoung raised an eyebrow, realization slowly hitting him as he looked wide eyed at Mark who avoided his gaze. "It was Taehyung, wasn't it?" It was supposed to be question but came out as a statement because Jinyoung's sure that it truly was Taehyung who had done it. Mark would sometimes talk about the advances that the younger would make towards him and it remained a secret between the two of them until today. Jinyoung thought that it has got to stop. Seeing Mark so helpless and always on the verge of crying isn't making the situation any better. The least Jinyoung could do is to let Jackson know even if Mark is pleading him no with his eyes.

"Taehyung? Who's that?" Jackson asked, his eyes going back and forth between Mark and Jinyoung, and he knew there was something that he doesn't know that he should know of.

Mark shook his head begging Jinyoung not to say a word but the latter gave him a stern look and Mark knew it was a losing battle. "Kim Taehyung, a year younger than us. He claimed he had fallen in love with Mark during last year's organization fair and ever since then, he never left Mark alone."

"What?" Jackson couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was the first time he had known such a thing, that some brat was forcing his lust on to his best friend. He balled his fist and stared at Mark who fidgeted under his gaze. His eyes softened but he remained stiff from where he was sitting. "I know I said that you have secrets that you don't wish to tell me and I respect that, but if it's that dangerous then you should have told me. Why didn't you?" He felt so betrayed and yet so frustrated at himself for being so clueless, for not picking up the signs that something or someone was bothering Mark. He was supposed to be Mark's best friend and yet he was failing at it so miserably.

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