Kids my age

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I'm gonna try to rhyme... wish me luck😂

What I notice about kids my age you ask
Kids my age seem to pick up the flask
Instead of focusing on being a kid
And remember the all the good

Kids my age focus on drugs
And strive to hang out with the schools thugs
Instead of learning to be calm and zen
And remembering the carefree times when they were ten

They are fighting instead of helping
They are yelling instead of caring

Why is socitey this way
Color you saw as a kid seems to fade to gray
Once you find out that life isn't a daydream
But instead can make you want to scream

Why can't we go back to when the times were happy and free
And the days when our lives were filled with nothing but glee

But kids my age are focused on growing up
They are focused on hooking up and breaking up

Kids shouldn't try to grow up too fast
Because those days won't last
So, cherish being young
seize every moment and be thankful for your family and friends
Cause all of these moments have their ends

Thank you for reading my pathetic attempt at trying to rhyme😄😬

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