Chapter Seventeen - Just Girly Things.

Start from the beginning

"Maybe she's into blondes."

"I really hate you sometimes."

"Mm you're not mrs perfect either."

"I don't think I need anyone to tell me that." I chuckled as did he. We wandered around aimlessly, Harry didn't find it amusing when I sprayed sample perfume on him. Apparently 'Britney Spears' perfume ruins his masculinity. I thought he smelt divine...

"Heeey!" I moaned when he tapped me on the shoulder leaving me to spin around and get a mouthful of men's cologne as revenge. "If you wanted me to clean my mouth I would have preferred mouthwash."

"I forgot you were shorter." He grinned like a helpless child. He bent his head down and joined his lips with mine before abruptly pulling away. "Oh yeah you're right, that tastes nasty." I stared flatly at him making him grin even more. "One thing I keep forgetting to ask.."


"You want to be my girlfriend officially this time?" I stopped walking and looked him dead in the eye.

"Are you being serious or...?"

"Yeah, why?" He shrugged his shoulders nonchantly.

"That was a very casual unromantic way of asking." I spoke seriously.

"I'm not lighting fireworks for you, you ain't that special." He teased. I nudged him playfully with my elbow causing him to stumble.

"Oh shit, you okay? Sorry." I replied biting my teeth anxiously.

"I'm find," he beamed, "So...?"

"Fine, seeing as you love me so much I'll guess I'll be your official girlfriend."

"You make it sound so patronising!"

"So did you!"

"I don't know why I put up with you."

"You're a dick."

Messing around with Harry (in the non sexual way) kinda felt like we had a normal, not perfect but almost relationship. It probably wasn't the typical romance story you'd read in a book or watch in a film, but if everything was the same, where would the excitement be?

Finally, after a couple hours of hearing Harry moan about the wait time, it didn't help that fog back in England delayed our flight, we were finally sat at the end of the runway ready to leave. I'd tightened my seatbelt so right my lungs were having trouble breathing and I think I'd rearranged my internal organs. Harry was just as laid back as you'd expect. As soon as the engines turned on I gripped the seat rests to the point where my hands turned white.

"You okay?"

"Mhm," I nodded but I couldn't even face him, let alone open my eyes.

"You know only 376 die of plane crashes every year." This time I did turn my head and glare at him.

"Are you trying to make me have a heart attack?"

"I was just saying, more people die by getting trampled by cows every year."

"Remind me not to go cow tipping."

"They're normally asleep when you go co-"

"I'm gonna tape your mouth shut."

"You're so cranky."

"I don't like flying," I mumbled pressing my head back against the seat. His arms were quick to cradle me, my head was suddenly resting on his shoulder and his hands were rubbing my arms somewhat calming my anxious mood.

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