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I laughed at Miko half-heartedly, then looked toward my new limbs. This will take some adjusting to, and I haven't even fully processed what exactly has happened to me. For now, we have bigger issues to deal with.

"We can discuss this," I say and gesture somewhat to my new arm, that reaches all the way up to my shoulder, "later. Right now, I'm concerned with the fact that Optimus just encountered a volcano filled with dark energon." I say and look at the large mech that was still sitting and resting. I started to sit up so I could talk with the rest of the bots, and June and Jack helped adjust my gurney.

"Agreed. The question is, how?" Bulkhead asked. 

"No," Ratchet interrupted. "The question is what. As in- what in the world is the blood of Unicron doing here, on Earth?" 

"The cons killed a unicorn?" Miko asked, confused. 

"No, Pigtails. Unicron." I corrected. 

"Unicron is an ancient evil, whose fossilized matter comprises the substance we know to be dark energon. Or at least, as legend would have it." Ratchet replied. 

"So, you're saying this Unicron is some sort of boogey-man?" June asked. 

"No, June. Unicron is very real. It's however still legend if his blood really is dark energon. Some still speculate that he never existed at all, but-"

"Please," June interrupted. "I've heard enough. Jack, help me get Raph into the car." 

"But, why?" Bee asked with no answer. 

"I thought he was doing better, Mom." Jack asked, as if repeating Bee's question. 

"Jadelynn can't be seen by civilians, but Raph can. He needs to be seen by real doctors." June replied as she wheeled Raph's gurney right in front of Ratchet. "And, Raph's family needs to know what happened. His real family.

"June-"I started and sat up a little more. 

"Raph's family can't protect him; not like they can." Jack said, motioning to the bots. Optimus took this opportunity to stand up and face June. 

"Nurse Darby, it deeply grieves me that I have failed. But I vow that we will not let harm come to our human friends, or any human, ever again." He said.

"Optimus, you know you can't promise that." I said softly. "We knew the risks when we chose to stay, we're risking our lives here of our own accord." No one said anything else except Miko and Jack who nodded in agreement. 

"Optimus, they're children. They're lucky they've even survived up until this point! They should be worrying about grades, prom dates, pimples; not their own survival!"

"Mom! Dark Energon is pouring out of the Earth! It doesn't do that! This could be about everyone's survival, not just ours." Jack tried to get his mother to see reason. 

"You're coming back with me, all three of you; and they will not be coming back. I would take Jadelynn too if I had the authority." June said angrily. 

"Good thing you don't, then." I said under my breath. I earned looks from both Bee and Arcee, who were each at my sides. 

"I understand." Optimus said. "Only someone who really knew Optimus well, like Ratchet or I, could tell he was deeply upset by everything that has happened; especially Raph getting hurt. 

"That's it?" Miko asked. "After everything we've been through, see ya?!" Pigtails was definitely not happy. "What about our freedom to choose?"

"That might fly on their planet, but not ours. Get in the car." June said, motioning to her beige sedan. 

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