Chapter 5: Plan Revieled

Start from the beginning

Ahsoka's point of view

I scream, once Krell bound me up and started to punch me. I know that pain can clearly be heard in my voice, but I don't care. The force is telling me one thing, my head is saying another, and my heart can't bear to think either is true. I don't know what's real and what's fake anymore. I scream again as Krell brings his ignited saber down on my stomach, it burns so much, why is he tormenting me? Now his saber is on my back, that hurts even more. I scream and I scream, he tortured me for about an hour, when he got bored, he said;
"I will be back later, maybe then you will be better at holding your tongue and using the force." He laughs at me, but when he turns around, I give him a force push, out of a sense of obtaining justice. But I get the electrician things, electricity is coursing threw me, it hurts so bad. I eventually Black out, unaware that Krell has taken control of me against my will again. I'm now just laying down on the floor, eyes wide open, unable to move, I'm just sitting there in a pool of my own blood thinking: when will this end? Im fully aware of the things happening around me, I just can't do anything about it, Krell has had me do nothing but stay on the ground in my blood. The only sign that shows I'm still alive is my breathing and the fact that my eyes are still blinking.

Rex's point of view

Krell just had us attack our own brothers, every clone is disgusted by this, Fives and Jessie may be in the brig, but so is the Commander, but her cell has been in accessible since Krell last went in there. We free our two brothers then go get Krell. He must pay for everything he has done, especially to our poor commander.

...Later after Krell is defeated...

"You like the power! Sure, but you can't kill me. If you do, another will die as well. I know that you see that worthless Togruta child as a sister, if I die, she dies as well." Krell starts to laugh.
"What do you mean?"
"For a clone that discovered my plan, and knew that child before she came into my possession, you should know that she isn't herself."
"What did you do to her!?!??!" Fives yells this at Krell.
"I simply just did some Jedi tactics on her mind. The forbidden Jedi mind tricks really are what broke her. I then was able to keep her under my will using the force. She has been my puppet this whole time, she managed to break through it when CC-7567 and AT-5555 were around, or when I wasn't focused on her. She nearly destroyed my plan, so I had to do something about her. I took away her free will, her subconscious isn't in her body anymore, I trapped her in the force, in a sort of prison. Her body is still functional, but there is no child left to use it." He laughs in a mischievous way, I'm repulsed.
"Your a monster!"
"Yes I am, it's a shame you realized this too late. If I die, then the hope of the child even being the same will disappear. Sure other Jedi will find her eventually, she won't be the same. I made her go insane. It was wonderful, even better was how you and your foolish others followed my commands blindly, I knew having her as a puppet would benefit me, but I never thought it would be that beneficial. And when you blamed her for that mission, it allowed me to take full control of her, your words CC-7567, are what allowed me to really get ahold of that lame girls conscious. Thank you for that." He laughs more and more. Dogmer is appalled by this news. But then a blaster shot is heard.
"I had to do it, he tricked us all, he hurt the Commander, he deserves that." Dogmer has one of Fives gunns and it's still aimed at the spot Krell used to be, suddenly, screams can be heard. I quickly lower us to the Commander's cell. Wind is swelling around her, light is around her, and she is glowing. I can see her new scars, but then I see something truly terrifying, a ghostly form of Ahsoka is coming out of her body, and a rift has just appeared, Ahsoka's body falls limp to the ground, but the ghostly form of her is being sucked in, she noticed us then said;
"How could you! I trusted you Rex, but.. gah. Why? I helped you beat Krell, I fought him, tried to help you see the truth even after you abandoned me! BUT YOU ALL BETRAYED ME!!! I'M SORRY THAT I COULDN'T RESIST HIM BETTER, BUT IT WAS NOT MY FAULT! Gah. Tell Anakin, goodbye for me. May the force watch over you. Heavens knows that I tried, but if this is what it means to be selfless, I wish others understood. I know you'll find a way to fix this Rex. I believe in you. Even if you didn't believe in me. Please tell Anakin what happened, he can fix this, promi-." Shes cut off, things reach out of the portal thing and rap around her. She screams, but is pulled in.
"He was telling the truth. We just lost our commander." Fives is scared and sad, Dogmer hates himself. I open her cell door and run to her body, her chest is rising and falling, she has a slight heartbeat, but her eyes are open, and her teal pupils aren't there, her eyes are completely white and empty, I close them and then put her jacket back on. Even though there is blood everywhere, I pick her up and go back on the lift. I can see that she's not the same way I remember her. Her body is empty of the girl that was once inside. A team of medics rush to us, put Ahsoka on a stretcher and rush her to the med bey.

Anakin's point of view

I'm rushing back to Umbara, the invasion was successful, but Krell turned out to be a traitor. Something happened to Ahsoka, and Dogmer shot Krell. The council saw the error in their ways and returned my shared bond with Ahsoka, but I can't sense Ahsoka at all. My gunship finally lands at the place, but I'm met by a team of medics with someone on a gurney, they rush into the ship, but one stops at me.
"Umm, General. I'm afraid that Commander Tano, she's um, trapped. Her body is here, with some serious injuries, but according to Fives and Rex, the part of her that made her her, her being, her um consciousness was sort of sucked into a void, apparently to be trapped somewhere in the Force." He finished saying this and I felt lost.
"So she's alive but not?"
"I dunno sir. We can't tell. She dose need medical evac now. That's why we are going. She needs help from your Jedi healers. I got to go, her condition is critical, I'm sorry General but bye." He said this and bolted for the gunship I came in. I'm hurt, my Snips is stuck and no one can help her. I was to late.

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