Chapter 1: The new Partners

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Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano, with there bond growing ever stronger the council fears for the future of the chosen one. They fear that Anakin has begone to care for Ahsoka too much, and they believe that when they assigned her to hi, he became emotionally attached to her. They now have summined them to the council chamber for a reassignment.

Ahsoka' point of view

"You want to do what?!?!?!!" Anakin and I say in perfect union.
"Reassigned your Padawan has been, to a new master she will go." I'm now staring at master Yoda as he says this.
"But last year you told me that I was assigned to Anakin Skywalker and that he was to supervise my Jedi training. Have I done something wrong? All I know is that my Master is a great teacher, so why am I being reassigned?" I'm totally shocked, what did we do to get this.
"Done nothing wrong, you have. But to attached to one another you are. So attached that you are almost breaking the code. To solve this, separated you must be." I'm now horror struck at these words. I'm being punished for being close which my master, the ONE Jedi that opens up to nobody except maybe ObiWan and me.
"To ensure that you do not cheat, forced I am to block you bond." I'm now worried.
"But Master Yoda, the only way for a master apprentice bond to not be there is if one of them die. How is it possible to do that with ought killing one of us?" I'm now struggling to comprehend this.
"Reason there is, for me to be Grand Master." He gives a grin, then I feel something being ripped away from me. My bond with Anakin, it being ripped away or something. It hurts, I'm in pain and I can tell that Anakin is to. However I'm not sure because I can't sense his emotions or pain, but it's too much for me. I'm grabbing my head, I think I let out a scream before everything went black.

Anakin's point of view

I only heard Ahsoka scream, but I was in to much pain to move. I hear a thud, I see an orange hand on the ground. Ahsoka, she was in pain and she passed out. Finally the pain stopped, I've kept quiet long enough.
"What in the name of the Force was that for? Why would you do that? Might I remind you  asters that it was your idea to give me a Padawan, and I've done nothing wrong, Ahsoka has done nothing wrong. What you just did Master Yoda, that," I gesture to me and Ahsoka.
"That was cruel, you just ripped something out of us. And it hurt, it hurt like hell. You just did something and now I'm stuck with an emptiness where Ahsoka once was. I'm now incomplete, what do you say to what you just did? Huh? Tell me I would love to know, or was Ahsoka's scream not enough to tell you how much that bloody hurt!" I was seething, right now I'm PISSED. Ahsoka didn't deserve this, she is such a good student.
"Understand your emotions I cannot, however you where becoming dangerously close. We did what we thought had to be done." I'm looking at Master Yoda with a angry face.
"No, you just betrayed our trust." I'm beyond PISSED right now.
"Control yourself Young Skywalker, ore we might have to permanently keep her with her new 'master'. You were lucky, the council believes if we assign you a new Padawan then you will just get to attached to them. So we are sending you to Umbara, the locals are with the Sepratists and that sector is important." Ahsoka is waking up now, finally.
"Hey, Snips. Take it easy." I help her up.
"With all due respect masters, THAT HURT LIKE CRAP! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR KIRFFING MINDS? THAT WAS NOT SOMETHING NATURAL, AND THERE WILL BE REPERCUSSIONS, THERE ALWAYS ARE REPERCUSSIONS WHEN MESSING WITH THE NATURAL ORDER OF THINGS." Ahsoka is even angrier than me. I'm proud of her words though, I can tell the council got the message as well.
"Ahsoka, we are truly sorry, but you have to understand."
"Understand what Master Kenobi, that when we do what the council says exactly, we are being punished. You basically are saying that you change your mind and are coming back on what you said last year. How will this new master your assigning me to teach me as well, as Master Skywalker has?" The council looked taken aback by this, they clearly knew Ahsoka has flourished under my teaching, and they know she is at least 10 times better than others her age. Skill wise.
"Ahsoka, this is just to give you a break." Master Shak Ti spoke with a kindness and understanding that I've never heard before.
"What about that pain of having a bond ripped away, huh. How can we get that back?" This is a good point.
"Return it to you I will, when you are ready to become master and Padawan again. However until then, Padawan Tano. Your new Master will be Master Pong Krell." Him, Ahsoka won't last with his rules and the way her runs things. He refuses to learn the clones names and personalities, Ahsoka loves to spend time with them. She will go mad with him.
"But masters, Master Krell is a total opposite of Anakin." This time ObiWan spoke. That's a surprise.
"That's the point Master Kenobi. Meet your new Master in the landing bay, a mission you will go on with him."  My heart breaks a little as Ahsoka is being forced to leave. They won't even let me say goodbye. How heartless can they get? She bows and exits the room, her emotions are swirling around her in the force.
"Go you must to Umbara young Skywalker, liberate it you shall. Join you Master Kenobi will, But different missions you will have."
"Yes masters." I bow and exit the room, fuming. At least I have a mission to distract me with.

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